This module is designed for processing large datasets in parallel batches within the QhX package.
It facilitates the batch processing of datasets using multiple workers to speed up the analysis.
process_batches(batch_size, num_workers=25, start_i=0): Main function to process data in specified batch sizes using parallel workers.
Example usage as a script:
$ python batch_processor.py 100 25 0
This command will process the dataset in batches of 100, using 25 parallel workers, starting from index 0.
import sys # System-specific parameters and functions
import os # Miscellaneous operating system interfaces
from QhX.parallelization_solver import ParallelSolver # Import the ParallelSolver class
from QhX.data_manager import DataManager # Import the DataManager class for handling datasets
def process_batches(batch_size, num_workers=25, start_i=0):
Processes data in batches using parallel processing.
batch_size (int): The number of data points to process in each batch.
num_workers (int, optional): The number of parallel workers to use for processing. Defaults to 25.
start_i (int, optional): The index from which to start processing the dataset. Defaults to 0.
This function loads a dataset, groups the data as necessary, and then processes it in batches.
Each batch is processed in a new directory to keep the results organized.
# Initial logging to indicate batch processing start
print(f'Starting testing in batches of size {batch_size}')
# Load and prepare the dataset using DataManager
data_manager = DataManager()
fs_df = data_manager.load_fs_df('ForcedSourceTable.parquet') # Load the dataset
fs_gp = data_manager.group_fs_df() # Optional grouping step, specific to dataset structure
fs_df = data_manager.fs_df # Access the DataFrame after any preprocessing
# Log the DataFrame to console (optional)
# Retrieve unique identifiers from the dataset for batch processing
setids = fs_df.objectId.unique().tolist()
j = 0 # Counter for batch directories
# Initialize the ParallelSolver with specific parameters
solver = ParallelSolver(data_manager=data_manager, delta_seconds=15.0, num_workers=num_workers, log_files=True,
provided_minfq=500, provided_maxfq=10, ngrid=100, ntau=80)
print(f'Tried num of workers {num_workers}')
# Process each batch
for i in range(start_i, len(setids), batch_size):
# Attempt to create a directory for the current batch
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error\n{e}\nfor batch {j}\nMoving to next batch\n')
j += 1
print(f'Batch {j}') # Log the current batch being processed
os.chdir(f'batch{j}sz{batch_size}') # Change to the batch directory
solver.process_ids(setids[i:min(i+batch_size, len(setids))], 'result.csv') # Process the IDs in the batch
j += 1 # Increment the batch counter
print(os.getcwd()) # Log the current working directory
os.chdir('..') # Change back to the parent directory
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Allow the module to be executed as a script with command-line arguments
batch_size = int(sys.argv[1]) # Batch size is a required argument
num_workers = int(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 25 # Optional num_workers argument
start_i = int(sys.argv[3]) if len(sys.argv) > 3 else 0 # Optional start_i argument
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error: {e}')
sys.exit("Invalid Arguments")
process_batches(batch_size, num_workers, start_i) # Call the main processing function with the arguments