from libwwz import wwt as libwwz_wwt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles
from scipy import interpolate, optimize
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from QhX.algorithms.wavelets.wwtz import *
from QhX.utils.correlation import correlation_nd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def get_full_width(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, peak: np.ndarray, height: float = 0.5) -> tuple:
Calculate the error of the determined period using the FWHM method and determine quantiles.
This function calculates the error of the determined period using the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) method.
It is part of a post-mortem analysis to estimate the period uncertainty based on the Mean Noise Power Level (MNPL) in the vicinity of the peak.
The function detects the FWHM of a peak and then calculates the points between the 25th and 75th quantile to find MNPL.
- x (np.ndarray): An array containing the x-axis values (e.g., time).
- y (np.ndarray): An array containing the corresponding y-axis values (e.g., intensity).
- peak (np.ndarray): An array containing the indices of determined peaks.
- height (float, optional): The fraction of the peak's maximum height to define the FWHM. Default is 0.5.
tuple: A tuple containing six arrays of results:
- er1: An array of lower x-values for quantiles.
- er3: An array of upper x-values for quantiles.
- quantiles: An array of quantiles (25th and 75th percentile) calculated from peak data.
- phmax: An array of half the peak's maximum height.
- x_lows: An array of lower x-values corresponding to the FWHM.
- x_highs: An array of upper x-values corresponding to the FWHM.
er1, er3, quantiles, phmax, x_lows, x_highs = [], [], [], [], [], []
for i in range(len(peak)):
height_half_max = y[peak[i]] * height
index_max = peak[i]
# Find lower and upper bounds for the FWHM
x_low, x_high = 0, 0
tmp = index_max
while tmp > 0:
tmp -= 1
if (y[tmp] - height_half_max) < 0:
x_low = x[tmp + 1]
tmp = index_max
while tmp < len(y) - 1:
tmp += 1
if (y[tmp] - height_half_max) < 0:
x_high = x[tmp - 1]
# Calculate quantiles
q25, q75, xer1, xer3 = 0, 0, 0, 0
if index_max - 5 > 0:
arr = y[(x >= x_low) & (x <= x_high)]
q25, q75 = mquantiles(arr, [0.25, 0.75])
# Interpolate to find x-values corresponding to quantiles
inv_func = interpolate.interp1d(y[index_max - 5:index_max], x[index_max - 5:index_max], kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate")
inv_func2 = interpolate.interp1d(y[index_max:index_max + 5], x[index_max:index_max + 5], kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate")
xer1 = inv_func(q25)
xer3 = inv_func2(q75)
# Append results to respective lists
quantiles.append([q25, q75])
return er1, er3, quantiles, phmax, x_lows, x_highs
def periods(lcID, data, ngrid, plot=False, save=False, peakHeight=0.6, prominence=0.7, minfq=None, maxfq=None, xlim=None):
Perform period determination for the output of hybrid2d data.
This function analyzes correlation data to determine periods of a light curve.
- lcID (int): ID of the light curve.
- data (numpy.ndarray): Auto-correlation matrix.
- ngrid (int): Number of values for controlling WWZ execution (see inp_param function).
- plot (bool): True if a plot is desired, False otherwise.
- save (bool): True to save the plot, False otherwise.
- peakHeight (float): Maximum peak height for peak detection.
- prominence (float): Prominence threshold for peak determination.
- minfq (float, optional): Minimum frequency for analysis. Default is None.
- maxfq (float, optional): Maximum frequency for analysis. Default is None.
- xlim (tuple, optional): Set the x-axis limits for the plot. Default is None.
A tuple containing:
- idx_peaks (list): Indices of detected peaks.
- yax (numpy.ndarray): Processed data.
- r_peaks (list): Detected periods.
- r_peaks_err_upper (list): Upper errors of corresponding periods.
- r_peaks_err_lower (list): Lower errors of corresponding periods.
# Existing implementation remains unchanged...
hh1 = np.rot90(data).T / np.rot90(data).T.max()
hh1arr = np.rot90(hh1.T)
hh1arr1 = np.abs(hh1arr).sum(1) / np.abs(hh1arr).sum(1).max()
# Calculate frequency parameters
fmin = 1 / minfq
fmax = 1 / maxfq
df = (fmax - fmin) / ngrid
# Interpolate data to obtain more points
osax = np.arange(start=fmin, stop=fmax + df, step=df)
xax = np.arange(start=fmin, stop=fmax + df, step=df / 2)
from scipy import interpolate
f = interpolate.interp1d(osax, np.abs(hh1arr1), fill_value="extrapolate")
yax = []
for v in xax:
yax = np.array(yax)
# Finding peaks
peaks, _ = find_peaks(yax, peakHeight, prominence=prominence)
# Plotting if needed
if plot:
if xlim is not None:
plt.plot(xax, np.abs(yax))
plt.axvline(xax[peaks[0]], ymin=0, ymax=1, linestyle='--', color='k')
plt.xlabel(r'Frequency [day$^{-1}$]')
if save:
plt.savefig(str(lcID) + 'stackd_h2d.png')
# Get error estimates for each peak (period)
error_upper, error_lower, quantiles, halfmax, x_lows, x_highs = get_full_width(xax, yax, peaks)
if plot:
plt.plot(xax, np.abs(yax))
if xlim is not None:
plt.xlabel(r'Frequency [day$^{-1}$]')
for i in range(len(peaks)):
plt.axvline(xax[peaks[i]], ymin=0, ymax=1, linestyle='--', color='black')
plt.axhline(quantiles[i][0], linestyle='--', color='green')
plt.axhline(quantiles[i][1], linestyle='--', color='red')
plt.axvline(x_lows[i], ymin=0, ymax=1, linestyle='--', color='blue')
plt.axvline(x_highs[i], ymin=0, ymax=1, linestyle='--', color='blue')
plt.axhline(halfmax[i], linestyle='--', color='purple')
if save:
plt.savefig(str(lcID) + 'stackd_h2d_peaks.png')
# Prepare the output
r_peaks = []
r_peaks_err_upper = []
r_peaks_err_lower = []
idx_peaks = []
for i in range(len(peaks)):
r_peaks.append(1 / xax[peaks[i]])
if error_upper[i] == 0:
r_peaks_err_upper.append(np.abs(1 / xax[peaks[i]] - (1 / error_upper[i])))
if error_lower[i] == 0:
r_peaks_err_lower.append(np.abs(1 / xax[peaks[i]] - (1 / error_lower[i])))
return idx_peaks, yax, r_peaks, r_peaks_err_upper, r_peaks_err_lower
def signif_johnson(numlc, peak, idx_peaks, yax, tt, yy, ntau, ngrid, f=2, peakHeight=0.6, minfq=None, maxfq=None, algorithm='wwz', method='linear', use_mag_errors=False, err_mag=None):
Assess the significance of detected peaks in light curve data using the Johnson method,
with an option to incorporate magnitude errors into the analysis.
Parameters and returns are the same as described before.
# Interpolation parameters
fmin = 1 / minfq
fmax = 1 / maxfq
df = (fmax - fmin) / ngrid
osax = np.arange(start=fmin, stop=fmax + df, step=df)
xax = np.arange(start=fmin, stop=fmax + df, step=df / 2)
idxrep = idx_peaks[peak]
count = 0. # Peak power larger than red noise peak power
count11 = 0. # Peak power of red noise larger than observed peak power
bins11 = []
bins = []
for i in range(numlc):
if use_mag_errors:
if err_mag is None:
raise ValueError("Magnitude errors (err_mag) must be provided if use_mag_errors is True")
# Shuffle magnitudes and errors
mag_err_combined = np.column_stack((yy, err_mag))
shuffled_yy, shuffled_err_mag = mag_err_combined[:, 0], mag_err_combined[:, 1]
y = shuffled_yy + np.random.normal(0, shuffled_err_mag)
y = shuffle(yy)
# WWZ analysis or other algorithm using 'y'
ntau, params, decay_constant, parallel = inp_param(ntau=ntau, ngrid=ngrid, f=2, minfq=minfq, maxfq=maxfq)
if algorithm == 'wwz':
wwt_removedx = libwwz_wwt(timestamps=tt, magnitudes=y, time_divisions=ntau, freq_params=params, decay_constant=decay_constant, method='linear', parallel=parallel)
corr1x = correlation_nd(np.rot90(wwt_removedx[2]), np.rot90(wwt_removedx[2]))
hhx = np.rot90(corr1x).T / corr1x.max()
hh1x = np.rot90(hhx.T)
hh1xarr = np.abs(hh1x).sum(1) / np.abs(hh1x).sum(1).max()
# Interpolate hh1xarr over osax
f = interpolate.interp1d(osax, hh1xarr, fill_value="extrapolate")
interpolated_hh1xarr = f(xax)
# Ensure idxrep is within bounds
if idxrep >= len(interpolated_hh1xarr):
print(f"Index {idxrep} out of bounds for interpolated_hh1xarr with size {len(interpolated_hh1xarr)}")
# Append original yax value at idxrep
# Compare original yax value against interpolated hh1xarr
if yax[idxrep] / interpolated_hh1xarr[idxrep] > 1.:
count += 1.
count11 += 1.
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error during significance calculation for iteration {i}: {e}")
bins.append(np.nan) # Append NaN in case of an error
count += 0. # Handle the case by not contributing to the significance
return bins, bins11, count / numlc, count11 / numlc