Source code for QhX.utils.mock_lc

# pylint: disable=R0801
import numpy as np
import colorednoise as cn

[docs] def artificial_lc_sampled(mjd, t, y): """ Returns a hypothetical light curve sampled in a given OpSim strategy. User needs to provide a reference light curve for sampling (usually a continuous light curve with 1-day cadence, see LC_conti() function). Parameters: ----------- mjd: np.array Modified Julian Date obtained from OpSim. It is the time of each sampling of the light curve during the LSST operation period in one of the filters and specified sky coordinates. t: np.array Days during the survey on which we had an observation for a continuous reference light curve. y: np.array Light curve magnitudes for continuous reference light curve. Returns: -------- top: np.array Days during the survey when we had an observation (sampling) in a given OpSim strategy. yop: np.array Light curve magnitude taken from the reference light curve on days we had an observation (sampling) in a given OpSim strategy. """ # Convert MJD to survey days top = np.ceil(mjd - mjd.min()) # Reference light curve sampling yop = [] for i in range(len(top)): abs_vals = np.abs(t - top[i]) # Find matching days and their index bool_arr = abs_vals < 1 if bool_arr.sum() != 0: index = np.where(bool_arr)[0][0] yop.append(y[index]) else: yop.append(-999) yop = np.asarray(yop) # Drop placeholder values (-999) top = mjd - mjd.min() top = top[yop != -999] yop = yop[yop != -999] return top, yop
[docs] def artificial_stochastic_mock_lc( T, deltatc=1, oscillations=True, A=0.14, noise=0.00005, z=0, frame='observed' ): """ Generate one artificial light curve using a stochastic model based on the Damped random walk (DRW) process. Parameters: ----------- T: int Total time span of the light curve. It is recommended to generate light curves to be at least 10 times longer than their characteristic timescale (Kozłowski 2017). deltatc: int, default=1 Cadence (or sampling rate) - time interval between two consecutive samplings of the light curve in days. oscillations: bool, default=True If True, light curve simulation will take an oscillatory signal into account. A: float, default=0.14 Amplitude of the oscillatory signal in magnitudes (used only if oscillations=True). noise: float, default=0.00005 Amount of noise to include in the light curve simulation. z: float, default=0 Redshift. frame: {'observed', 'rest'}, default='observed' Frame of reference. Returns: -------- tt: np.array Days when the light curve was sampled. yy: np.array Magnitudes of the simulated light curve. """ # Constants const1 = 0.455 * 1.25 * 1e38 const2 = np.sqrt(1e9) meanmag = 23.0 # Generating survey days tt = np.arange(0, T, int(deltatc)) times = tt.shape[0] # Generating log L_bol loglumbol = np.random.uniform(42.2, 49, 1) lumbol = np.power(10, loglumbol) # Calculate M_{SMBH} msmbh = np.power((lumbol * const2 / const1), 2 / 3.0) # Calculate damping time scale (Eq 22, Kelly et al. 2009) logtau = -8.13 + 0.24 * np.log10(lumbol) + 0.34 * np.log10(1 + z) if frame == 'observed': # Converting to observed frame (Eq 17, Kelly et al. 2009) tau = np.power(10, logtau) * (1 + z) else: tau = np.power(10, logtau) # Calculate log sigma^2 - an amplitude of correlation decay (Eq 25, Kelly et al. 2009) logsig2 = 8 - 0.27 * np.log10(lumbol) + 0.47 * np.log10(1 + z) if frame == 'observed': # Converting to observed frame (Eq 18, Kelly et al. 2009) sig = np.sqrt(np.power(10, logsig2)) / np.sqrt(1 + z) else: sig = np.sqrt(np.power(10, logsig2)) # OPTIONAL: Calculate the broad line region radius logrblr = 1.527 + 0.533 * np.log10(lumbol / 1e44) rblr = np.power(10, logrblr) / 10 # Calculating light curve magnitudes ss = np.zeros(times) ss[0] = meanmag # light curve is initialized sfconst2 = sig * sig ratio = -deltatc / tau for i in range(1, times): ss[i] = np.random.normal( ss[i - 1] * np.exp(ratio) + meanmag * (1 - np.exp(ratio)), np.sqrt(10 * 0.5 * tau * sfconst2 * (1 - np.exp(2 * ratio))), 1 ) # Calculating error (Ivezic et al. 2019) gamma = 0.039 m5 = 24.7 x = np.power(10, 0.4 * (ss - m5)) err = (0.005 ** 2) + (0.04 - gamma) * x + gamma * x * x # Setting period type and value period_type = 'hardcoded' # 'hardcoded' or 'physical' p_value = 0.001 # Only used if period_type is 'hardcoded', it should be in years # Final light curve with oscillations if oscillations: if period_type == 'physical': # Calculate underlying periodicity conver = 173.145 # convert from LightDays to AU lightdays = 10 p_years = np.sqrt(((lightdays * conver) ** 3) / msmbh) p_days = p_years * 365.25 else: p_days = p_value * 365.25 # Calculating and adding oscillatory signal sinus = A * np.sin(2 * np.pi * tt / p_days) ss = ss + sinus yy = np.zeros(times) for i in range(times): # Adding error and noise to each magnitude value yy[i] = ss[i] + \ np.random.normal(0, (noise * ss[i]), 1) + np.sqrt(err[i]) else: # Final light curve without oscillations yy = np.zeros(times) for i in range(times): # Adding error and noise to each magnitude value yy[i] = ss[i] + \ np.random.normal(0, (noise * ss[i]), 1) + np.sqrt(err[i]) return tt, yy
[docs] def remove_fraction_with_seed(data, fraction, seed=0): """ Removes a fraction of data at random with given seed. Parameters: ----------- data: np.array Data to remove values from. fraction: float Fraction of data to remove. seed: int, default=0 Seed for randomness. Returns: -------- np.array Data with fraction removed. """ n_to_remove = int(len(data) * fraction) np.random.seed(seed) return np.delete(data, np.random.choice(np.arange(len(data)), n_to_remove, replace=False))
[docs] def simple_mock_lc( time_interval, num_points, frequency, amplitude, percent, magnitude=20, time_unit='year', exp=1.8, mjd_start=52000 ): """ Generates a simple mock light curve using colored noise. Parameters: ----------- time_interval: float The total time span of the light curve. num_points: int Number of points in the light curve. frequency: float Frequency of oscillations. amplitude: float Amplitude of oscillations. percent: float Percentage of data to randomly remove. magnitude: float, default=20 Base magnitude for the light curve. time_unit: str, default='year' Time unit for the time interval ('year', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', or 'second'). exp: float, default=1.8 Exponent for colored noise generation. mjd_start: int, default=52000 Start of Modified Julian Date. """ beta = exp # the exponent x = cn.powerlaw_psd_gaussian(beta, num_points) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=0) if time_unit == 'year': time_interval = time_interval * 365 elif time_unit == 'day': time_interval = time_interval elif time_unit == 'hour': time_interval = (time_interval / 24.0) * 365 elif time_unit == 'minute': time_interval = (time_interval / (24.0 * 60)) * 365 else: time_interval = (time_interval / (24.0 * 3600)) * 365 t = mjd_start + time_interval * rng.random(num_points) t1 = np.sort(t) x = x + 1 x_std = (x - np.mean(x)) / np.std(x) mag = magnitude + amplitude * \ np.max(x_std) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t1 / frequency) + x_std tt = t1 - t1.min() tt = remove_fraction_with_seed(tt, percent) mag = remove_fraction_with_seed(mag, percent) return tt, mag