Parallel processing using threading on personal computer

import QhX
from QhX import processing_utils
from QhX.processing_utils import parallel_pool,process_pool

This module provides functionality for parallel processing of data tasks using threading, on your local computer, if it is more handy than using our procedure for parallelization on High Performance Computer. This procedure could be used as an initial training for students.

Key Points:

Non-picklable Objects: Objects like DataManager that cannot be pickled (a requirement for multiprocessing) are handled efficiently using a threading approach (like with ThreadPool) because threads share the same memory space. This is particularly useful for objects that maintain state or have open connections (like database connections) that are not easily serialized.

I/O-Bound Tasks: For tasks that are I/O-bound (e.g., network data fetching, file reading, database querying), threading can significantly improve performance. While Python’s GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) prevents CPU-bound tasks from running in parallel in a multi-threaded environment, it allows I/O-bound tasks to execute concurrently.

Shared Resources: Threading is beneficial when using shared resources (like a shared DataManager instance) across different tasks without the need to initiate them separately for each task. Since all threads access the same memory space, a resource can be initialized once and used across all threads, enhancing memory efficiency.

CPU-Bound Tasks with GIL Limitations: Although threading in Python is not ideal for CPU-bound tasks due to the GIL, it can be advantageous for tasks that involve calling out to external applications or libraries that release the GIL (e.g., operations in NumPy, pandas, or I/O operations).

Rapid Task Switching Needs: Applications that benefit from rapid switching between tasks (e.g., handling multiple quick I/O operations concurrently) can leverage threading to facilitate this without the overhead of process creation and inter-process communication. “””

[ ]:
#import json
#import pandas as pd
#import numpy as np
#from sqlalchemy.engine import URL
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeWarning
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import warnings
from itertools import groupby
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
## commonly used modules
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import os, sys
import yaml

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 999)
from QhX.data_manager import DataManager
from QhX.detection import  process1, process1_new

class DataManager: “”” A class for managing and processing astronomical data sets.

This class provides methods to load and process forced source data and object data,
specifically focusing on time-domain objects and quasars.

fs_df : pd.DataFrame or None
    DataFrame containing forced source data.
fs_gp : pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy or None
    GroupBy object with forced source data grouped by object ID.
object_df : pd.DataFrame or None
    DataFrame containing object data.
td_objects : pd.DataFrame or None
    DataFrame containing time-domain objects.
#This will take a time..

data_manager = DataManager()
fs_df = data_manager.load_fs_df('')
fs_gp = data_manager.group_fs_df()

INFO:root:Forced source data loaded successfully.
INFO:root:Forced source data grouped successfully.
#Find quasars

INFO:root:Object data loaded and processed successfully.
ra dec psPm_ra psPm_dec psParallax psFlux_u psFlux_g psFlux_r psFlux_i psFlux_z psFlux_y psFluxErr_u psFluxErr_g psFluxErr_r psFluxErr_i psFluxErr_z psFluxErr_y bdFlux_u bdFlux_g bdFlux_r bdFlux_i bdFlux_z bdFlux_y bdFluxErr_u bdFluxErr_g bdFluxErr_r bdFluxErr_i bdFluxErr_z bdFluxErr_y psMag_u psMag_g psMag_r psMag_i psMag_z psMag_y psMagErr_u psMagErr_g psMagErr_r psMagErr_i psMagErr_z psMagErr_y bdMag_u bdMag_g bdMag_r bdMag_i bdMag_z bdMag_y bdMagErr_u bdMagErr_g bdMagErr_r bdMagErr_i bdMagErr_z bdMagErr_y extendedness_u extendedness_g extendedness_r extendedness_i extendedness_z extendedness_y stdColor_0 stdColor_1 stdColor_2 stdColor_3 stdColor_4 stdColorErr_0 stdColorErr_1 stdColorErr_2 stdColorErr_3 stdColorErr_4 class photoZ_pest z flags_u flags_g flags_r flags_i flags_z flags_y spec_fiberid spec_plate spec_mjd lcPeriodic[0]_g lcPeriodic[0]_r lcPeriodic[0]_i lcPeriodic[1]_g lcPeriodic[1]_r lcPeriodic[1]_i lcPeriodic[2]_g lcPeriodic[2]_r lcPeriodic[2]_i lcPeriodic[3]_g 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0271388 359.99169 0.969968 NaN NaN NaN 26160.979422 294519.269238 1.106956e+06 2.057265e+06 2.982015e+06 NaN 300.738260 256.142174 488.893498 770.129959 2161.119294 NaN 26436.085624 294967.193358 1.116087e+06 2.086941e+06 3.014907e+06 NaN 337.760680 919.045860 3311.546956 6004.226909 8854.073234 NaN 20.27555 17.727280 16.289740 15.616840 15.253790 NaN 0.012473 0.000944 0.000480 0.000406 0.000787 NaN 20.26420 17.725630 16.280820 15.601290 15.241880 NaN 0.013862 0.003383 0.003221 0.003124 0.003189 NaN 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 2.628649 1.437541 0.672900 0.403049 NaN 0.012517 0.001059 0.000629 0.000886 NaN Star NaN 0.000000 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <NA> 444 1489 52991 0.260275 0.061273 0.705092 21803.405141 276794.642597 1.777113e+04 16.228020 15.676071 948.808741 7408.387338 8196.866826 109911.497814 0.063015 0.029211 0.028178 0.021458 0.022473 0.006836 0.004464 0.002411 0.001684 0.001341 0.000797 0.000194 0.000458 0.000116 0.000499 0.000257 0.000151 0.000112 0.000153 0.000144 17.793201 20.851046 25.465177 25.805538 31.382942 -1.200072 1.414476 2.535535 1.719811 -1.038697 -1.765356 3.044971 -1.770712 -2.701489 -2.897284 2.583548 1.189083 0.597592 -2.033987 3.085672 0.055051 0.024847 1.994609e-02 0.022730 0.019042 0.000698 0.001973 0.001522 0.002482 0.001308 0.000547 0.000563 0.000196 0.000696 0.000543 0.000272 0.000116 0.000101 0.000091 0.000115 7.033954 10.586698 22.454945 14.203220 19.134806 1.692748 1.862281 1.350974 2.605782 -2.856124 -2.747079 2.611592 -2.579242 -3.095433 -0.208689 0.366546 -1.783012 -1.453997 0.094679 1.152248 0.050092 0.023383 1.976994e-02 0.016176 0.014899 0.006944 0.001797 0.001319 0.000316 0.001818 0.000572 0.000338 0.000309 0.000396 0.000479 0.000524 0.000060 0.000049 0.000077 0.000039 8.662116 19.452124 21.457851 28.781258 8.571919 -0.630059 1.376486 1.326487 1.490568 2.937560 -1.411466 0.931117 2.832502 -2.357249 -2.218536 -1.395257 1.561549 -2.367043 -0.548603 -1.384439 3.248688 2.795955 1.698663 2.758158 3.376963 1.065883 1.012299 0.980038 1.052691 0.972465 1.022609 1.170294 1.020969 1.009958 0.968035 0.000017 0.000005 0.000026 0.000005 0.000003 0.007866 -0.004576 -0.004189 -0.000083 0.000362 0.295908 0.133103 0.446917 0.157799 0.076649 0.396552 0.092593 0.163636 0.129630 0.272727 0.193276 0.063699 0.076586 0.157090 0.131541 0.328259 0.096179 0.158223 0.232468 0.223962 0.438685 0.147633 0.261800 0.456678 0.384206 0.597733 0.238137 0.470788 0.558575 0.478881 0.860509 0.320848 0.707844 0.765057 0.719575 -3.960000e-06 -0.000024 -0.000032 -0.000004 -0.000010 0.204516 0.109223 0.160211 0.106130 0.103399 0.075589 0.011327 0.012177 0.017920 0.018605 0.327586 0.833333 0.981818 0.796296 0.454545 0.033333 -0.100000 -0.033333 -0.033333 -0.100000 0.296377 0.232779 1.152342 0.252554 0.076061 0.328733 0.138596 0.081416 0.075083 0.108642 0.299422 0.948320 1.646192 0.927857 0.673444 0.427606 0.207382 1.427587 0.182553 -0.043269 0.577648 -3.045336 -6.682989 -3.372514 0.098978 0.341046 10.872827 51.567125 21.372289 -0.027995 0.120161 0.048099 0.113966 0.041830 0.034588 0.032831 -0.833647 -0.796085 -0.904402 -0.932227 1.009285 0.645986 0.358198 0.722727 0.995394 2.435431 3.296827 2.019703 3.457908 3.751185 1.714467 6.544237 7.264410 6.807538 4.043939 -0.000436 0.001919 0.012756 0.001517 0.000796 -2.000000e-08 1.100000e-07 8.800000e-07 1.200000e-07 6.000000e-08 0.154169 0.175675 0.131685 0.145041 0.141396 2.345330 1.454206 2.029815 1.717249 2.059443 0.029877 0.032109 0.030674 0.062576 0.324707 8.555394 2.888606 0.961880 1.213456 0.034117 0.023638
0271389 359.98092 0.652865 NaN NaN NaN 48849.324901 77854.298779 7.187044e+04 6.333212e+04 5.460789e+04 NaN 291.531809 136.426346 155.161709 222.153745 687.840468 NaN 49320.945937 78824.057129 7.230736e+04 6.410164e+04 5.491608e+04 NaN 355.036831 280.727554 302.808418 344.397471 765.829936 NaN 19.59781 19.171840 19.258650 19.395890 19.594210 NaN 0.006478 0.001902 0.002344 0.003808 0.013608 NaN 19.58738 19.158400 19.252070 19.382780 19.588130 NaN 0.007814 0.003867 0.004547 0.005832 0.015066 NaN 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 0.506060 -0.086831 -0.137316 -0.160921 NaN 0.006753 0.003019 0.004472 0.014196 NaN Star NaN 0.000000 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <NA> 464 685 52203 0.027656 0.056467 0.033964 3894.407106 6726.629772 2.815442e+03 0.966700 13395.881279 428.826473 400.979284 733.893590 537.121360 0.085759 0.027452 0.024536 0.030410 0.091534 0.005756 0.004097 0.002611 0.001179 0.011236 0.001800 0.000134 0.000690 0.001046 0.002691 0.000384 0.000304 0.000188 0.000153 0.001317 31.360928 25.385482 8.506283 26.412038 4.506639 2.594933 1.812034 2.417874 0.493405 0.927162 -2.036974 -3.085754 -2.850238 -1.593147 2.303191 0.865115 -0.928600 -0.794408 2.780938 -2.871577 0.083625 0.020436 2.021357e-02 0.020953 0.061363 0.014543 0.002019 0.000681 0.000275 0.000964 0.002079 0.000265 0.000314 0.000103 0.002567 0.000707 0.000022 0.000079 0.000092 0.000249 6.800123 25.915992 13.872531 29.464400 9.975824 1.694027 -0.370578 1.951843 -1.944132 0.379092 -2.421081 1.421683 0.794701 1.141263 2.694204 0.197027 -0.861673 -1.568726 0.471050 -1.056306 0.070105 0.016609 1.751555e-02 0.018027 0.052373 0.006444 0.001955 0.001570 0.001223 0.002532 0.001194 0.000441 0.000192 0.000215 0.000921 0.000412 0.000142 0.000151 0.000013 0.000391 7.311038 30.640375 24.474704 17.710612 16.832298 1.350979 2.061168 1.344819 2.401992 -1.225512 3.088658 2.000862 2.508822 0.383284 0.818757 -1.426423 -0.271237 -1.739701 -1.816670 1.199842 3.115335 3.339667 3.575351 3.704359 3.271407 1.038554 1.017902 0.964577 0.978190 1.021438 1.078696 1.018579 0.977984 1.025239 0.997379 0.000043 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000026 -0.005620 -0.005796 0.000470 -0.000590 -0.003786 0.470875 0.113661 0.097450 0.088941 0.382093 0.118644 0.196721 0.311475 0.377049 0.254237 0.094119 0.133534 0.188502 0.106396 0.131925 0.171574 0.248519 0.264787 0.279666 0.204191 0.334130 0.355460 0.370550 0.465098 0.293789 0.513566 0.484704 0.528046 0.523567 0.387523 0.748043 0.633131 0.693800 0.724698 0.707084 -9.300000e-06 -0.000002 0.000016 0.000011 0.000002 0.335029 0.053404 0.048027 0.141555 0.213026 0.050968 0.020456 0.024292 0.033302 0.056990 0.677966 0.590164 0.360656 0.327869 0.644068 0.033333 0.100000 0.033333 -0.033333 0.033333 0.892854 0.168879 0.106714 0.093059 0.661470 0.287679 0.105503 0.117048 0.131128 0.352213 2.283128 0.312337 0.407321 0.279854 0.761498 -0.054771 -0.019150 0.027962 0.077000 0.119618 -2.512992 -1.485583 -0.249957 -0.130027 -1.473776 11.186223 5.342639 0.405382 -0.315281 5.568996 0.147088 0.037726 0.038699 0.041392 0.127224 -0.114619 -0.895329 -0.900965 -0.897053 -0.149659 0.742126 0.895528 0.993488 1.003835 0.849841 1.946030 3.610405 3.614440 3.542608 2.203727 15.766159 2.508530 3.038078 2.029591 2.644706 0.019628 0.000696 0.000920 0.000915 0.009523 8.700000e-07 3.000000e-08 4.000000e-08 4.000000e-08 4.200000e-07 0.120839 0.168678 0.187505 0.128585 0.158396 2.126834 2.225141 2.210442 2.186761 2.023726 0.058902 0.242187 0.034497 0.210657 0.145120 4.915713 0.018316 1.949530 0.051217 0.686231 0.027264
0271390 359.97467 -1.066557 14.123035 -6.600603 -0.013308 58226.877642 196208.333415 3.151411e+05 3.634721e+05 3.904259e+05 386038.526191 336.538277 176.139373 238.635004 284.737560 391.672093 1157.866247 57822.261087 193323.677945 3.125762e+05 3.612207e+05 3.864206e+05 377835.751201 414.728788 168.305007 250.304491 379.888888 572.420765 1887.447062 19.40718 18.168272 17.653803 17.498888 17.421219 17.433489 0.006274 0.000974 0.000822 0.000850 0.001089 0.003252 19.41475 18.184353 17.662676 17.505634 17.432415 17.456808 0.007786 0.000945 0.000869 0.001141 0.001607 0.005410 0.0 0.011742 0.002451 0.008652 0.012358 0.144320 1.318985 0.514469 0.154915 0.077669 -0.012270 0.006351 0.001275 0.001183 0.001382 0.003434 Star NaN 0.000000 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 114 1091 52902 0.147567 0.027901 0.081723 10795.856574 18759.841927 3.118562e+02 7234.038051 288.249310 0.745502 2782.532404 1216.675112 4025.346049 0.067701 0.031648 0.017832 0.028988 0.034787 0.002850 0.002975 0.003410 0.003147 0.002162 0.001387 0.000799 0.000353 0.000465 0.000747 0.000472 0.000250 0.000268 0.000185 0.000182 16.622884 3.013541 22.457930 11.419543 29.008176 1.256466 1.731638 2.800763 1.082790 1.004401 2.158424 -2.381636 -0.861027 2.246314 -2.231599 -1.982340 -0.686695 -0.301330 -2.434347 0.500951 0.054560 0.027086 1.305491e-02 0.026558 0.023021 0.005701 0.002115 0.000636 0.002372 0.000847 0.001061 0.000474 0.000286 0.000573 0.000245 0.000239 0.000142 0.000090 0.000160 0.000079 3.542381 11.262393 16.766711 1.002731 18.488068 2.511450 0.822600 -0.387496 1.538420 1.800560 -2.437052 2.612016 2.802031 1.935085 -1.326998 1.123629 -1.814400 -2.955947 -2.598134 -2.419319 0.047071 0.024947 1.032311e-02 0.135437 0.018668 0.000975 0.001139 0.000694 0.106774 0.000660 0.000917 0.000430 0.000295 0.087695 0.000212 0.000212 0.000118 0.000047 0.050082 0.000097 29.974516 1.373557 18.824192 13.563423 32.377205 0.261512 0.113457 -0.051408 1.551414 -0.505649 1.837342 1.717850 1.921156 3.026279 0.678476 2.713529 2.706397 2.636471 -1.779049 -1.122446 2.815443 2.719889 3.179630 1.926369 3.639889 0.993550 1.005041 0.980678 0.995311 0.896094 0.977483 1.025819 0.940343 1.459028 0.956949 0.000029 0.000009 0.000001 0.000020 0.000003 -0.005754 -0.003722 -0.003744 -0.004045 -0.000761 0.489872 0.222805 0.083009 0.320217 0.119581 0.240741 0.094340 0.230769 0.020000 0.226415 0.127227 0.061580 0.129417 0.174800 0.103412 0.207557 0.111888 0.240844 0.298839 0.185875 0.270546 0.201269 0.371345 0.484824 0.274378 0.432633 0.397461 0.516446 0.601171 0.413986 0.633878 0.638186 0.707457 0.803790 0.543017 1.830000e-05 0.000010 -0.000003 -0.000002 -0.000016 0.211109 0.196668 0.047228 0.295708 0.121199 0.049787 0.015057 0.011363 0.013417 0.018822 0.759259 0.811321 0.673077 0.980000 0.603774 0.166667 0.033333 0.100000 0.033333 0.100000 0.949866 0.394289 0.124178 0.728577 0.129292 0.306527 0.130465 0.060069 0.060807 0.136541 1.815737 1.664602 -0.556924 2.420012 0.664704 0.424288 -0.127063 0.786323 0.056595 0.075107 -2.717639 -3.444700 -2.252920 -6.284135 -0.536066 12.020285 18.935806 8.454215 46.368981 1.952474 0.152410 0.062654 0.028283 0.085349 0.042963 -0.156624 -0.795743 -0.926226 -0.841389 -0.848115 0.714381 0.651424 0.807338 0.410812 0.900022 1.880220 2.968701 3.921625 2.463289 3.495311 8.853320 12.134792 1.613586 18.479451 3.874493 0.020923 0.003521 0.000307 0.007081 0.001361 1.020000e-06 2.000000e-07 2.000000e-08 4.600000e-07 8.000000e-08 0.178565 0.188643 0.171811 0.141249 0.147907 1.258739 1.690556 1.657900 2.058601 2.193501 0.170739 0.018121 0.008570 0.057029 0.042912 0.975324 5.251484 6.415285 0.447885 1.378181 0.039193
0271391 359.97300 0.203557 9.591976 -3.451329 -0.012580 56604.337841 137549.637098 1.816154e+05 1.948576e+05 1.999601e+05 192414.700415 373.645494 142.514416 153.336214 181.999459 276.628670 1173.991063 56216.171259 135464.359811 1.799253e+05 1.923424e+05 1.964709e+05 189718.747536 449.633549 152.372613 182.104973 277.541501 514.453020 1981.721606 19.43786 18.553917 18.252184 18.175772 18.147707 18.189470 0.007166 0.001124 0.000916 0.001014 0.001501 0.006604 19.44533 18.570503 18.262335 18.189878 18.166820 18.204790 0.008683 0.001221 0.001098 0.001566 0.002839 0.011282 0.0 0.016235 0.007502 0.013772 0.015777 0.412266 0.964024 0.301733 0.076412 0.028065 -0.041763 0.007255 0.001451 0.001367 0.001812 0.006793 Star NaN 0.000000 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 690 4216 55477 0.330060 0.686030 1.141392 5866.936189 51241.893766 3.849883e+00 3.183538 308.397120 0.621720 5660.780677 5182.637331 8120.975846 0.072021 0.039824 0.025629 0.028717 0.034787 0.009823 0.007883 0.002304 0.002474 0.005400 0.001113 0.000842 0.000285 0.000570 0.000577 0.000115 0.000252 0.000090 0.000089 0.000064 18.783281 20.851171 9.026542 31.480394 21.203211 2.828571 1.721295 2.187130 0.934707 -2.187591 -1.429864 -2.625213 -1.967833 2.696984 -1.095929 -0.829054 -0.810167 0.807612 -2.423306 3.076315 0.056650 0.030470 2.000000e-08 0.025418 0.024585 0.004618 0.004062 0.000000 0.002349 0.000409 0.001146 0.000848 0.000000 0.000569 0.000278 0.000086 0.000220 0.000000 0.000081 0.000076 2.619925 30.574655 2.016725 0.888059 6.961652 1.135364 2.267121 -0.102280 0.900112 0.505213 2.997585 -2.122545 -0.269059 2.314287 1.987972 -2.230700 -0.395149 -0.379588 -2.959296 0.889247 0.045785 0.025396 2.000000e-08 0.024321 0.019093 0.004335 0.001419 0.000000 0.002334 0.001279 0.001487 0.000546 0.000000 0.000516 0.000238 0.000166 0.000041 0.000000 0.000111 0.000057 29.118797 15.714504 2.016725 4.513138 23.442467 1.248861 1.702365 -0.102280 1.466597 0.540395 -1.982699 -2.967618 -0.269060 1.758336 -1.238976 2.807839 3.028002 -0.379589 3.115840 1.623746 3.544123 3.252194 1.850075 2.504960 4.088142 0.990121 1.036413 0.938706 0.957584 0.918261 0.975472 0.937877 0.938706 0.957504 0.833768 0.000027 0.000010 0.000031 0.000016 0.000005 -0.000568 -0.003769 0.000161 -0.004443 0.005301 0.425307 0.202355 0.585855 0.345649 0.131723 0.230769 0.108108 0.064935 0.105263 0.341772 0.118754 0.079685 0.116909 0.115084 0.150143 0.204306 0.122447 0.239926 0.213198 0.342260 0.341930 0.210397 0.355669 0.318284 0.435951 0.529842 0.319669 0.581774 0.440591 0.569840 0.687036 0.526640 0.792478 0.644410 0.776247 -1.154000e-05 -0.000012 -0.000033 0.000001 -0.000016 0.773506 0.323535 0.220584 0.239068 0.151695 0.067451 0.017444 0.017298 0.020123 0.035212 0.576923 0.743243 0.987013 0.934211 0.417722 0.100000 0.033333 0.100000 0.033333 0.100000 0.622016 0.344113 1.745732 0.771946 0.152362 0.337687 0.167918 0.084868 0.111526 0.152522 1.764003 1.631945 2.203572 2.224472 0.278115 0.063463 0.305433 1.261965 0.157909 0.357657 -0.790781 -2.921025 -7.921338 -6.036430 0.776552 4.203597 10.245625 70.685035 47.787457 0.633229 0.125892 0.070536 0.127315 0.079078 0.054391 -0.081350 -0.755989 -0.794709 -0.810022 -0.785029 0.881693 0.660619 0.353309 0.534103 0.998008 2.265797 2.843115 1.751516 2.568464 3.281653 7.321677 9.028815 12.637098 14.650283 2.209808 0.011105 0.004588 0.016063 0.005962 0.001299 3.700000e-07 1.800000e-07 6.200000e-07 2.400000e-07 5.000000e-08 0.078550 0.147950 0.110191 0.132400 0.173646 2.464347 1.702623 2.105601 1.771717 1.809222 0.183350 0.055463 0.165852 0.318518 0.027876 0.441824 2.040820 0.051330 0.018316 5.699177 0.033451
0271392 359.97109 -1.007636 4.124890 -3.065300 NaN -69224.617745 1871.996571 7.629826e+03 2.748630e+04 4.817328e+04 55599.520852 42669.094349 81.535894 89.749332 152.700499 267.518464 1133.339315 -83064.453315 1577.575848 7.479136e+03 2.677157e+04 4.667340e+04 54018.167714 43381.628696 114.878110 175.594532 302.844986 521.101272 1765.992681 NaN 23.219303 21.693779 20.302275 19.693050 19.537388 NaN 0.046289 0.012697 0.006015 0.006013 0.021909 NaN 23.405090 21.715437 20.330881 19.727392 19.568716 NaN 0.076317 0.025196 0.012213 0.012055 0.034928 0.0 0.398209 0.019596 0.016319 0.016609 0.090982 NaN 1.525524 1.391504 0.609225 0.155662 0.670901 0.048984 0.014124 0.008529 0.022938 Star NaN 0.000000 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 646 7850 56956 0.000001 NaN 0.000016 341.703289 NaN 3.264001e+06 0.043432 NaN 0.000040 0.574150 NaN 1.883511 1.757934 0.294156 0.077142 0.035747 0.099399 0.225284 0.021059 0.003966 0.002971 0.001661 0.025566 0.002426 0.000775 0.001049 0.001634 0.015874 0.002977 0.000154 0.000144 0.000465 16.708076 2.524494 18.664030 17.869122 8.970319 0.917918 2.527558 -0.675472 2.212460 -2.728763 2.383380 2.937249 -1.955872 1.790559 -0.552392 -0.998204 2.553825 1.641681 3.062710 -2.283831 0.873789 0.158361 4.533017e-02 0.024517 0.076980 0.070861 0.003599 0.002462 0.001179 0.002563 0.013577 0.001363 0.000466 0.000353 0.000188 0.005209 0.000419 0.000167 0.000181 0.001084 6.411031 23.386809 7.743794 31.375025 11.668926 -2.988122 -0.815338 -2.984790 2.964469 -0.854343 -2.656093 1.322262 2.547645 -2.256767 2.175672 2.771855 1.922124 0.936027 -0.181931 -1.753289 0.460523 0.107227 3.478447e-02 0.015969 0.043055 0.008874 0.006299 0.001635 0.003527 0.003922 0.004276 0.002069 0.000526 0.000459 0.000682 0.001207 0.000387 0.000081 0.000051 0.000159 25.100701 31.868194 6.817927 17.806417 28.465528 0.674840 -2.196680 1.571518 1.181693 -0.132410 2.846809 -3.070055 0.812856 2.420456 2.135098 2.883993 0.569111 -0.930729 1.520266 3.042030 3.410817 3.128307 2.901965 2.764474 2.907295 0.928470 0.964422 0.925130 1.122049 1.021980 0.873569 0.934536 0.933027 0.988702 0.947101 0.001377 0.000070 0.000007 0.000002 0.000014 0.197956 0.054935 0.001537 -0.007648 -0.000296 2.646619 0.839132 0.244440 0.089064 0.290756 0.258065 0.322581 0.387097 0.310345 0.322581 0.353973 0.084383 0.108346 0.125094 0.094702 0.398541 0.186532 0.242903 0.351733 0.213687 0.455104 0.325647 0.365755 0.481068 0.279687 0.558285 0.542239 0.505460 0.559565 0.601512 0.751585 0.642372 0.710756 0.679114 0.845909 -4.479500e-04 0.000171 -0.000014 -0.000004 -0.000050 1.400618 0.326454 0.092420 0.072053 0.130406 1.239994 0.188972 0.050531 0.024632 0.046085 0.096774 0.483871 0.483871 0.310345 0.516129 0.033333 0.100000 0.033333 0.066667 -0.100000 19.184174 0.948554 0.265660 0.120710 0.348656 7.085468 1.140939 0.287209 0.105975 0.293619 1.883783 -0.166083 -0.510187 -0.983182 0.097728 -0.359071 0.246605 0.276920 0.006163 0.095525 -0.105579 0.536360 1.084132 -0.978634 -0.177473 -1.112887 1.526219 2.060896 1.783666 1.754256 1.412473 0.365416 0.105394 0.038795 0.112456 14.316072 2.164092 -0.216810 -0.885184 -0.104464 0.985680 0.916667 0.915624 0.973869 0.910155 -1.453326 1.147363 2.604155 3.591221 2.437603 6.818414 0.938055 0.718650 0.524245 1.461340 1.618950 -0.080069 -0.001857 -0.001143 0.003822 8.864000e-05 -4.800000e-06 -1.300000e-07 -9.000000e-08 3.200000e-07 0.174398 0.238544 0.209646 0.220836 0.180493 2.228439 2.023039 2.546435 2.395137 1.886600 0.330013 0.006272 0.000009 0.000001 0.013985 35.063518 1695.317980 0.897756 61.433233 10.639567 0.042526
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1468017 309.23870 0.028991 -0.662283 0.020786 0.442488 17994.203485 27268.917052 3.142641e+04 4.412361e+04 6.025053e+04 NaN 840.888061 330.659188 453.818901 635.652520 2865.202526 NaN 20141.763745 31723.140172 3.907511e+04 5.721970e+04 7.828750e+04 NaN 1033.235168 421.199788 592.484241 831.089567 3661.875674 NaN 20.68143 20.310740 20.156620 19.788150 19.487930 NaN 0.050663 0.013162 0.015673 0.015634 0.051420 NaN 20.55918 20.146510 19.920180 19.506060 19.204510 NaN 0.055630 0.014413 0.016459 0.015766 0.050661 NaN 0.0 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 NaN 0.451338 0.154067 0.368441 0.338225 NaN 0.052418 0.020473 0.022147 0.053949 NaN Qso NaN 0.442569 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <NA> 301 1117 52885 0.001658 157.665964 1.686491 11808.289927 2.918011 1.166877e-01 0.226252 53990.898110 1772.358819 216.197917 34060.346688 4252.394697 0.118145 0.066106 0.079768 0.074369 0.109995 0.007012 0.008669 0.005027 0.007341 0.010261 0.001312 0.001222 0.001648 0.000830 0.003015 0.001328 0.000461 0.000621 0.000613 0.001291 23.943282 30.005356 6.535160 26.240096 18.299638 1.115732 1.453053 1.591550 2.604331 0.743958 1.147619 -2.508004 0.947574 0.003693 0.162353 -2.652867 -2.011022 0.535263 0.873255 -0.056988 0.071870 0.056238 5.555584e-02 0.057301 0.069779 0.004924 0.005322 0.002752 0.004854 0.003771 0.001614 0.001562 0.000053 0.000679 0.000398 0.000557 0.000256 0.000489 0.000200 0.000164 29.119755 21.753474 18.017381 16.011315 9.136434 -0.298428 2.022570 -0.344032 2.578638 1.078315 2.770159 -1.996590 -1.138063 -1.161240 -2.449204 -0.344762 1.220506 0.959394 2.167365 0.014427 0.067934 0.039770 4.482285e-02 0.048003 0.063702 0.010151 0.002060 0.002563 0.008099 0.002484 0.000642 0.000710 0.000211 0.002289 0.002021 0.000507 0.000112 0.000129 0.000554 0.000090 30.991141 18.139023 1.844936 21.053356 10.944690 2.093385 -2.237273 0.434765 2.893095 -1.321719 -2.810590 -0.499360 1.114431 2.455773 1.428864 2.546075 1.816015 1.573900 1.888571 -2.903962 3.506426 3.088294 3.312144 3.352258 3.460452 0.923960 1.117644 0.963872 1.007617 0.935207 0.999937 0.984851 0.973749 0.961108 0.945413 0.000021 0.000013 0.000014 0.000014 0.000025 -0.010464 -0.008751 -0.011574 -0.001052 -0.020184 0.273651 0.272655 0.235620 0.217542 0.296439 0.377778 0.181818 0.244444 0.400000 0.340909 0.188373 0.068371 0.110770 0.322155 0.157569 0.303714 0.144456 0.216280 0.466907 0.210557 0.436121 0.242260 0.376974 0.609195 0.337661 0.599003 0.305606 0.544107 0.719546 0.484839 0.903266 0.407209 0.731029 0.849745 0.621334 1.100000e-07 0.000049 -0.000013 -0.000012 -0.000029 0.257301 0.193310 0.139174 0.123630 0.175040 0.084204 0.047152 0.065647 0.085737 0.102103 0.222222 0.568182 0.400000 0.222222 0.409091 0.033333 -0.033333 -0.166667 0.166667 -0.100000 0.279530 0.470031 0.330856 0.224588 0.383073 0.412698 0.345072 0.298856 0.256603 0.480791 -0.029264 0.994183 1.560730 1.483853 0.470530 0.415394 1.104482 0.322692 0.431435 0.186821 -0.177306 -1.848359 -0.767855 0.231027 -0.377397 -0.552926 5.457899 0.931366 -0.568896 0.113247 0.138410 0.103095 0.098554 0.100866 0.140055 0.302686 -0.425686 -0.280287 -0.108967 0.295360 1.029259 0.798986 0.953401 1.095929 1.003425 2.209172 2.430920 2.547728 2.603851 2.167458 1.697063 15.348310 11.516030 10.826588 2.135317 0.002383 0.009607 0.009015 0.009300 0.010184 1.200000e-07 5.300000e-07 4.900000e-07 5.300000e-07 6.100000e-07 0.166675 0.182525 0.234406 0.208505 0.209825 1.742694 1.620858 1.626095 1.749285 1.639964 0.014565 0.022847 0.078444 0.062067 0.084517 87.726218 40.008760 2.298066 4.310347 2.627439 0.085374
1468018 309.22960 0.171063 0.532933 -0.023733 0.517200 58302.017211 61925.019907 6.830879e+04 6.212039e+04 6.179836e+04 NaN 1013.180546 386.147718 510.050231 638.044346 2865.021901 NaN 57662.689860 62019.204528 6.851232e+04 6.237270e+04 6.194137e+04 NaN 1117.087553 461.317152 596.951683 728.222725 3003.253467 NaN 19.40578 19.420370 19.313830 19.416860 19.460500 NaN 0.018865 0.006770 0.008106 0.011149 0.050139 NaN 19.41775 19.418720 19.310600 19.412460 19.458000 NaN 0.021031 0.008076 0.009459 0.012674 0.052438 NaN 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 0.065456 0.106526 -0.103106 -0.005643 NaN 0.020046 0.010562 0.013787 0.051556 NaN Qso NaN 1.110641 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <NA> 354 1117 52885 1.897691 0.800918 0.536513 0.004062 0.004426 4.191075e-03 841.379095 441.405419 277.195879 6571.325342 1354.693991 1703.822432 0.205902 0.179013 0.117750 0.108634 0.088397 0.033625 0.014283 0.021411 0.010015 0.008837 0.003459 0.002366 0.004247 0.002206 0.001636 0.001910 0.000971 0.001618 0.000568 0.000181 0.001085 0.001085 0.001085 0.001085 12.239978 -2.609709 2.912295 -2.736895 -2.947658 -2.129578 0.711405 1.109920 1.452175 1.844308 0.110901 -2.633205 2.850055 3.136856 -3.086786 0.423779 0.077102 0.046874 2.834943e-02 0.032937 0.056822 0.002598 0.002730 0.001884 0.004968 0.003657 0.002219 0.001365 0.000642 0.000361 0.000275 0.000428 0.000237 0.000086 0.000188 0.000559 6.398674 28.530733 15.927267 21.217587 4.722602 -0.255515 2.598775 -0.267996 -2.595866 -2.038785 2.591071 3.041575 0.840007 -3.122019 -0.836764 1.808899 1.797298 -2.920232 -0.376355 -1.871479 0.055867 0.043726 1.931029e-02 0.030143 0.047416 0.005468 0.004863 0.003194 0.001835 0.000984 0.000256 0.000517 0.000120 0.000568 0.000497 0.000414 0.000226 0.000100 0.000210 0.000277 18.729539 12.978474 0.389411 3.097491 1.653838 2.788992 -2.300185 -0.338623 1.053962 0.298855 2.201297 -2.190385 -2.114981 -2.855240 1.155340 -2.180461 -1.211002 -2.835941 -0.894978 1.239837 4.162230 4.393826 4.538836 4.232913 3.315121 0.845925 0.700195 0.744376 0.779161 0.909964 0.767153 0.733933 0.693420 0.804102 0.958531 0.000024 0.000012 0.000004 0.000005 0.000019 0.024806 -0.002134 0.003222 0.002783 -0.016505 0.387600 0.275675 0.178959 0.183813 0.280345 0.375000 0.416667 0.354167 0.382979 0.354167 0.096077 0.143660 0.163974 0.133535 0.122831 0.297264 0.288182 0.304214 0.211255 0.181013 0.470164 0.473413 0.405834 0.390981 0.297632 0.610263 0.627020 0.605184 0.608123 0.496641 0.818516 0.855191 0.798959 0.841186 0.766617 -2.227000e-05 0.000037 0.000025 0.000027 0.000046 0.129831 0.272989 0.118297 0.078878 0.367989 0.104694 0.095423 0.056949 0.057869 0.062551 0.375000 0.312500 0.354167 0.404255 0.437500 0.033333 -0.033333 0.033333 -0.166667 0.033333 0.384958 0.256928 0.179423 0.184840 0.283508 0.459124 0.400733 0.254357 0.237523 0.385478 1.291871 1.766413 0.508097 0.537821 0.044167 0.779065 1.430244 1.726261 1.268742 0.199607 0.082305 0.022619 0.058135 0.148859 0.233059 -0.031466 -0.481291 -0.337741 -0.079090 0.288235 0.161129 0.134317 0.085149 0.082704 0.123662 0.557973 0.287531 -0.353994 -0.366384 0.044065 0.992721 1.022364 1.022761 0.999441 0.954409 2.080271 2.255962 2.751496 2.809766 2.374753 11.164122 54.645052 25.415659 13.473346 1.332243 0.025338 0.018961 0.007272 0.006673 0.001101 1.370000e-06 1.030000e-06 4.000000e-07 3.700000e-07 6.000000e-08 0.341615 0.341128 0.331682 0.313442 0.175390 1.044377 0.891954 0.658078 0.793161 1.476852 0.021202 0.051148 0.012555 0.017048 0.024527 117.796541 15.694906 112.661792 47.760664 13.566240 0.082823
1468019 309.22200 -0.160658 -1.460134 -0.758934 0.396559 28501.385092 32930.588107 3.690130e+04 5.006247e+04 5.114888e+04 NaN 386.136291 158.283404 206.501385 304.426799 1114.186241 NaN 28380.031107 33401.401023 3.677471e+04 5.005832e+04 5.108732e+04 NaN 430.585253 205.464503 268.733668 393.686038 1212.454970 NaN 20.18258 20.105960 19.982310 19.651100 19.664880 NaN 0.014701 0.005218 0.006074 0.006600 0.023517 NaN 20.18721 20.090550 19.986040 19.651190 19.666180 NaN 0.016463 0.006677 0.007932 0.008536 0.025621 NaN 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 0.156834 0.123606 0.331176 0.023310 NaN 0.015608 0.008009 0.008973 0.024555 NaN Qso NaN 1.775506 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <NA> 302 1117 52885 0.739633 0.177546 0.140664 0.000896 0.013523 1.195596e-02 213.720847 513.215165 507.257670 5045.111184 807.860345 0.510180 0.148918 0.135026 0.262679 0.123857 0.107137 0.012737 0.008008 0.029495 0.015843 0.002680 0.003516 0.001900 0.037808 0.005104 0.001790 0.000633 0.001074 0.014837 0.000850 0.000227 19.014730 2.000951 0.000255 2.000985 3.003659 2.593629 0.302106 3.035866 0.875070 2.049443 -1.855418 2.819227 1.287948 2.156429 2.677678 -0.190069 -0.134477 -0.095421 -0.463011 -1.510646 0.080189 0.052124 3.694239e-02 0.031140 0.073025 0.003267 0.005340 0.006792 0.001191 0.002444 0.000654 0.001059 0.000410 0.000569 0.000285 0.000473 0.000398 0.000093 0.000059 0.000305 0.359303 12.001477 24.550900 25.015358 29.612731 1.251305 1.677849 2.270504 0.986333 -2.201662 -0.065493 2.292986 2.532553 1.173995 -2.501912 -1.693122 -1.401796 0.623513 0.417805 -1.915202 0.070424 0.040987 2.662948e-02 0.023559 0.065085 0.007990 0.002874 0.002691 0.002274 0.002422 0.000152 0.000597 0.000207 0.000541 0.000551 0.000230 0.000052 0.000126 0.000070 0.000680 25.106844 11.520414 17.425787 3.454329 1.230420 2.078743 0.341660 1.992841 -1.442066 1.014817 0.651861 2.557126 -2.455214 0.409142 0.536271 1.779728 -2.460042 1.999164 0.806654 0.771572 3.954399 4.459454 4.556946 4.702675 3.785923 0.906044 0.791755 0.760617 0.743693 0.918898 0.936344 0.832485 0.681253 0.692148 0.937800 0.000029 0.000010 0.000006 0.000004 0.000025 0.008804 0.006156 -0.198535 0.009451 0.012395 0.442917 0.344234 0.329887 0.258027 0.367122 0.234043 0.304348 0.244444 0.266667 0.212766 0.114932 0.296504 0.237074 0.212644 0.158339 0.246375 0.415587 0.508037 0.388412 0.281504 0.373852 0.506396 0.701680 0.598051 0.383790 0.519567 0.619761 0.818352 0.725300 0.568516 0.761608 0.696090 0.927373 0.849069 0.679875 1.195800e-04 0.000113 -0.000009 0.000118 0.000112 0.384221 0.090891 0.079603 0.038247 0.228473 0.098904 0.081869 0.087105 0.067537 0.103928 0.468085 0.413043 0.400000 0.311111 0.361702 0.100000 0.166667 -0.033333 0.100000 -0.033333 0.619262 0.478787 0.527983 0.359395 0.459924 0.463822 0.329422 0.251868 0.241204 0.467768 1.132212 0.750777 0.649467 -0.199657 0.110392 0.487515 2.038575 1.977020 2.347024 0.776729 -0.464977 -0.812922 -1.134318 -0.979809 -0.361376 1.526545 1.824769 3.113470 2.371773 0.383052 0.169693 0.134184 0.133078 0.111634 0.152024 0.461012 0.166628 0.176335 -0.124444 0.407300 0.944166 1.022796 0.974918 0.963955 0.999051 1.964447 2.226100 2.199211 2.414888 2.087862 10.436658 42.737051 41.872080 25.045837 3.784576 0.025407 0.018023 0.018775 0.012841 0.010462 1.330000e-06 9.700000e-07 1.050000e-06 7.400000e-07 5.800000e-07 0.288936 0.348581 0.373660 0.375174 0.317573 1.491056 0.746232 0.614257 0.406169 1.064834 0.074849 0.232625 0.081062 0.066099 0.012657 11.044441 2.410207 20.050749 22.582279 423.371702 0.093687
1468020 309.21940 -0.479245 0.036148 -0.022135 -0.220993 17663.977528 25333.897183 3.227447e+04 3.182550e+04 4.002968e+04 NaN 398.222241 159.416918 209.279951 308.870174 1116.490649 NaN 17754.149854 25769.644397 3.277461e+04 3.282450e+04 4.067704e+04 NaN 429.966222 193.027958 263.115830 362.337906 1196.564096 NaN 20.70151 20.390630 20.127720 20.142670 19.929070 NaN 0.024440 0.006830 0.007038 0.010528 0.030004 NaN 20.69599 20.372120 20.111030 20.109140 19.911810 NaN 0.026254 0.008130 0.008713 0.011976 0.031653 NaN 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 0.391534 0.262893 -0.015210 0.249017 NaN 0.025413 0.009810 0.012673 0.032064 NaN Qso NaN 0.930411 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <NA> 304 1117 52885 0.201489 1.363053 0.078490 0.000202 0.001060 1.361463e-04 89.415539 605.093270 46.875148 996.115480 2665.694906 1678.072774 0.467674 0.378533 0.329328 0.316324 0.283578 0.061129 0.067962 0.066512 0.054438 0.047644 0.020499 0.011226 0.011250 0.009613 0.013165 0.003942 0.005307 0.003884 0.003736 0.005010 1.000484 1.000518 0.000458 0.000424 0.000357 -3.005833 2.687900 -2.957755 -2.823840 -3.042463 1.608064 1.925203 1.391874 1.603074 1.322838 -1.757516 -1.761957 0.470010 0.207547 -0.495430 0.077616 0.038788 3.779340e-02 0.040390 0.059346 0.008382 0.002278 0.001225 0.002682 0.004746 0.001446 0.000924 0.000741 0.000506 0.001953 0.000247 0.000071 0.000156 0.000103 0.000114 1.525185 13.996638 15.734695 27.800304 14.636019 -0.878518 -2.006997 2.435140 -0.995988 -2.080720 2.053940 -2.156458 2.955940 0.846721 -0.422632 -1.645010 -1.433332 -0.428857 -0.402440 -3.135600 0.055498 0.028520 2.796580e-02 0.028851 0.047831 0.000503 0.002538 0.001461 0.000934 0.003186 0.000205 0.000204 0.000243 0.000307 0.001203 0.000130 0.000121 0.000140 0.000135 0.000059 23.960183 16.886483 13.154216 19.587992 3.487881 -1.566561 -1.331363 3.105135 -2.509633 2.047149 0.082870 0.867017 2.192659 2.089162 -0.750037 -1.626146 0.634092 1.067493 -0.125145 -3.044556 5.512748 5.617791 5.654212 5.316707 5.360982 0.541849 0.505166 0.541647 0.408227 0.591676 0.523773 0.502023 0.524704 0.374589 0.585923 0.000031 0.000011 0.000011 0.000027 0.000021 0.160885 0.088715 0.032551 0.015681 -0.012232 0.715081 0.699245 0.557713 0.653931 0.472645 0.403509 0.392857 0.421053 0.464286 0.403509 0.111188 0.078711 0.085343 0.094661 0.196502 0.420528 0.306760 0.180602 0.340417 0.369828 0.617246 0.651348 0.601022 0.628679 0.536724 0.764011 0.849869 0.860403 0.845367 0.765129 0.847504 0.937627 0.932652 0.925814 0.878853 3.768000e-05 0.000039 0.000014 -0.000035 -0.000048 0.316883 0.086682 0.157323 0.653931 0.469391 0.319454 0.271051 0.238239 0.252708 0.164942 0.280702 0.339286 0.403509 0.357143 0.280702 -0.033333 -0.033333 0.033333 0.233333 -0.033333 0.604388 0.589960 0.481529 0.559985 0.497787 0.969020 0.751218 0.719737 0.721179 0.663997 0.809259 1.191550 0.970749 1.478578 0.035316 1.953546 3.154672 3.219797 2.509459 1.701879 0.484382 0.616732 0.349345 0.506684 0.139214 -0.556336 0.064396 -0.487515 0.140554 -0.827155 0.382094 0.309613 0.270636 0.288729 0.236794 2.716274 1.953879 1.592260 1.783280 1.470895 1.010060 0.991875 0.995434 0.993235 1.054099 1.214309 1.430231 1.519230 1.470553 1.637130 14.678501 109.462036 103.482726 70.572294 6.726001 0.159873 0.103512 0.079506 0.089199 0.045368 6.830000e-06 4.590000e-06 3.560000e-06 4.060000e-06 2.070000e-06 0.364368 0.380877 0.379780 0.318925 0.384659 0.526571 0.304362 0.252411 0.887076 0.589323 0.032150 0.024506 0.017833 0.046360 0.010816 246.515970 319.834034 446.851609 82.040181 742.588577 0.132956
1468021 309.21640 0.516741 -0.306719 -0.511302 1.150066 25982.198589 31090.684004 3.381537e+04 4.482806e+04 4.863596e+04 NaN 750.565014 316.157364 439.970387 654.381326 2178.868855 NaN 26002.322269 31301.339295 3.367639e+04 4.461995e+04 4.856614e+04 NaN 816.941358 362.905065 497.835096 736.317811 2284.366625 NaN 20.28299 20.168370 20.077100 19.770960 19.719250 NaN 0.031342 0.011038 0.014122 0.015842 0.048335 NaN 20.28215 20.161040 20.081570 19.776010 19.720800 NaN 0.034087 0.012585 0.016045 0.017909 0.050748 NaN 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 0.194886 0.091210 0.306090 0.088519 NaN 0.033251 0.017929 0.021231 0.051158 NaN Qso NaN 1.641482 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 <NA> 356 1117 52885 87.331947 0.455384 0.009274 0.487933 0.002650 3.954635e+01 29019.253221 121.892581 0.583733 21212.673164 1154.429673 381.368921 0.185746 0.142586 0.125577 0.086346 0.096046 0.024166 0.014164 0.014224 0.004410 0.008721 0.007687 0.002552 0.002201 0.001064 0.001064 0.001152 0.001228 0.000778 0.000334 0.000362 10.369730 0.001511 0.001511 2.001102 32.355523 -0.578047 0.670894 0.608868 -2.935889 1.537759 0.477211 -2.778425 -2.683634 2.538220 -2.155682 1.435024 -0.596669 -1.084921 -0.203170 0.317129 0.136412 0.048719 4.523347e-02 0.042792 0.070974 0.005474 0.001972 0.004130 0.000825 0.004541 0.002917 0.000937 0.001345 0.001391 0.000524 0.000074 0.000108 0.000311 0.000162 0.000473 31.350804 15.027802 11.801712 16.336110 7.939783 -3.132334 0.467444 -0.843457 1.828313 1.929485 -2.793311 2.971472 -2.733785 -0.311132 -0.603712 -0.315200 -0.416470 1.831915 -0.494099 -1.213493 0.103838 0.046216 3.082267e-02 0.031983 0.070274 0.006652 0.001718 0.002389 0.002858 0.002957 0.001790 0.000426 0.000370 0.000571 0.001999 0.000215 0.000200 0.000132 0.000099 0.000614 26.406959 21.932414 25.828718 16.015237 14.619067 2.396828 -1.310914 -0.157029 -0.753789 2.385869 -2.034262 -2.682885 -1.855232 -2.283703 -3.093259 2.061525 -2.248568 -0.475976 -1.029674 -2.353805 3.254399 4.348755 4.921343 4.676013 3.513592 1.040605 0.603822 0.664049 0.729843 0.990394 0.957009 0.645990 0.616292 0.761059 1.086557 0.000095 0.000026 0.000009 0.000007 0.000030 0.008344 0.008239 0.007698 0.002458 0.014540 0.731115 0.560903 0.288764 0.223940 0.367094 0.384615 0.500000 0.442308 0.346154 0.288462 0.092799 0.311724 0.271543 0.263179 0.144069 0.235159 0.422835 0.410175 0.355693 0.238366 0.352052 0.591136 0.510734 0.489278 0.315606 0.559109 0.716898 0.666865 0.579383 0.522876 0.794516 0.794905 0.833896 0.844275 0.734778 -1.339700e-04 0.000016 0.000022 0.000008 -0.000040 0.470631 0.420191 0.105783 0.250053 0.274826 0.159351 0.137753 0.099425 0.070849 0.080482 0.461538 0.423077 0.230769 0.269231 0.461538 -0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 0.033333 0.166667 1.310738 0.767167 0.291525 0.251764 0.444341 0.852881 0.406513 0.334311 0.281963 0.448147 2.134610 1.741194 0.904683 0.386733 0.549056 0.435475 1.639174 1.557181 1.422404 0.119644 -0.581331 -0.287372 0.576100 0.733402 -0.414401 1.073162 2.158302 0.071514 0.358642 0.892382 0.277390 0.184073 0.130033 0.106666 0.146794 1.546435 0.780892 0.228642 -0.173903 0.211476 0.943318 1.000520 1.035674 1.027725 0.950415 1.306777 1.875202 2.348189 2.580402 2.102024 14.650072 33.713166 15.707197 6.431842 2.174413 0.071851 0.033459 0.016688 0.010234 0.008980 3.350000e-06 1.580000e-06 7.900000e-07 5.000000e-07 4.400000e-07 0.245788 0.301959 0.413211 0.384396 0.167666 1.348739 1.426552 0.683760 0.866828 1.833954 0.152039 0.053163 0.020922 0.010311 0.046209 5.759539 14.565944 46.401780 88.653421 9.151643 0.073914

212425 rows × 384 columns

##FIND quasars indices and transform to arrays
df = pd.DataFrame({'objectId': setindexnew})
df.set_index('objectId', inplace=True)
from QhX.light_curve import  get_lc22

Load u,g,r,i light curve of Object ID=1384142, light_cruves_data as stacked array

get_lc22 Function Overview

The get_lc22 function processes and returns light curve data :

Input Parameters: - data_manager: An object containing the light curve data, organized for retrieval by set IDs. - set1: A string identifier for the object whose light curves are to be processed. It selects the specific dataset within data_manager. - include_errors (optional): A boolean flag to decide whether magnitude errors should be included in the time series data. Defaults to True. Process Flow: 1. Data Validation: Checks if the specified set1 ID exists within data_manager. If not, it exits with None, indicating an error or absence of data. 2. Data Extraction: Retrieves and processes data for each filter (assumes filters range from 1 to 4), sorting by Modified Julian Date (mjd) and removing any null values. 3. Outlier Removal: Uses outliers_mad function to cleanse the light curve data, considering magnitude errors if they are to be included and available. 4. Data Augmentation and Sampling: If magnitude errors are present and requested, we add observational errors to the light curves by perturbing each data point within its error margin: (N(0,err_mag)). It enables period-finding algorithm to account for the uncertainty in each data point, leading to a more accurate and reliable estimation of the object’s periodicity. The function calculates the sampling rate for each filter’s time series as the mean difference between consecutive time points.

Output: The function outputs a tuple containing: - Processed time series data for each filter, with or without magnitude errors, based on the include_errors flag. - The respective sampling rates for each filter’s data, providing insight into the time resolution of the observations.

This comprehensive processing and return of light curve data allow for an in-depth analysis of astronomical objects, taking into account data quality and observational errors.

light_curves_data = get_lc22(data_manager, '1384142', include_errors=False)
(array([51818.43, 52171.42, 52173.4 , 52224.38, 52234.33, 52283.17,
        52287.18, 52557.47, 52585.37, 52908.45, 52912.43, 52934.38,
        52936.37, 53270.44, 53272.49, 53286.46, 53288.41, 53294.46,
        53296.41, 53298.46, 53312.37, 53314.37, 53616.47, 53639.48,
        53657.44, 53675.38, 53680.39, 53686.39, 53699.41, 53989.47,
        54008.46, 54009.42, 54011.48, 54025.48, 54029.49, 54031.4 ,
        54036.41, 54039.4 , 54041.37, 54048.43, 54052.4 , 54058.4 ,
        54060.42, 54065.4 , 54365.47, 54381.49, 54386.48, 54392.48,
        54393.49, 54396.35, 54403.4 , 54404.46, 54406.39, 54409.4 ,
        54412.42, 54416.39, 54421.4 , 54423.38, 54433.4 ]),
 array([19.487167, 19.258741, 19.26747 , 19.273075, 19.276268, 19.24133 ,
        19.18076 , 19.29091 , 19.317068, 19.309761, 19.27774 , 19.258095,
        19.270597, 19.218782, 19.211699, 19.385593, 19.248219, 19.244982,
        19.233717, 19.230547, 19.160337, 19.168606, 19.263157, 19.48252 ,
        19.205746, 19.189566, 19.186361, 19.186861, 19.259214, 19.435116,
        19.442768, 19.454254, 19.433054, 19.262674, 19.41067 , 19.416674,
        19.461267, 19.449898, 19.428154, 19.509014, 19.470942, 19.426008,
        19.519487, 19.488789, 19.492743, 19.55684 , 19.496195, 19.485415,
        19.53713 , 19.458233, 19.49737 , 19.566244, 19.460844, 19.478912,
        19.502745, 19.518599, 19.503729, 19.47426 , 19.51499 ],
 array([51818.43, 52171.42, 52173.39, 52224.37, 52234.33, 52283.16,
        52287.17, 52557.47, 52585.37, 52908.44, 52912.42, 52934.37,
        52936.37, 53270.43, 53272.48, 53286.45, 53288.41, 53294.46,
        53296.41, 53298.46, 53312.36, 53314.36, 53616.47, 53639.48,
        53657.43, 53675.38, 53680.39, 53686.39, 53699.41, 53989.47,
        54008.45, 54009.42, 54011.48, 54025.48, 54029.49, 54031.4 ,
        54036.4 , 54039.4 , 54041.37, 54048.42, 54052.4 , 54058.39,
        54060.42, 54065.39, 54365.47, 54381.49, 54386.48, 54392.48,
        54393.49, 54396.35, 54403.4 , 54404.45, 54406.39, 54409.4 ,
        54412.42, 54416.39, 54421.4 , 54423.37, 54433.4 ]),
 array([19.067541, 18.858826, 18.87784 , 18.88775 , 18.880558, 18.835482,
        18.865055, 18.896397, 18.906034, 18.986784, 18.88963 , 18.897112,
        18.927052, 18.85413 , 18.81973 , 19.044624, 18.863712, 18.783983,
        18.863485, 18.807205, 18.87544 , 18.788204, 18.839628, 18.849302,
        18.83286 , 18.788876, 18.834482, 18.84284 , 18.844952, 19.043533,
        19.01445 , 19.01894 , 18.994421, 18.941622, 19.008762, 19.013212,
        19.015945, 19.026535, 19.036034, 19.045956, 19.012663, 19.041765,
        19.041842, 19.056908, 19.090286, 19.117542, 19.071148, 19.06857 ,
        19.088623, 19.095001, 19.048058, 19.085863, 19.06356 , 19.091923,
        19.084703, 19.111233, 19.11881 , 19.13508 , 19.070162],
 array([51818.43, 52171.42, 52173.4 , 52224.38, 52234.33, 52283.16,
        52287.18, 52557.47, 52585.37, 52908.44, 52912.42, 52934.38,
        52936.37, 53270.44, 53272.49, 53286.45, 53288.41, 53294.46,
        53296.41, 53298.46, 53312.36, 53314.36, 53616.47, 53639.48,
        53657.44, 53675.38, 53680.39, 53686.39, 53699.41, 53989.47,
        54008.45, 54009.42, 54011.48, 54025.48, 54029.49, 54031.4 ,
        54036.4 , 54039.4 , 54041.37, 54048.42, 54052.4 , 54058.39,
        54060.42, 54065.39, 54365.47, 54381.49, 54386.48, 54392.48,
        54393.49, 54396.35, 54403.4 , 54404.46, 54406.39, 54409.4 ,
        54412.42, 54416.39, 54421.4 , 54423.37, 54433.4 ]),
 array([18.845848, 18.71427 , 18.717072, 18.706953, 18.738094, 18.702692,
        18.740034, 18.746946, 18.708296, 18.777199, 18.768492, 18.742142,
        18.755127, 18.704638, 18.696827, 18.824139, 18.677223, 18.703337,
        18.70635 , 18.627716, 18.691744, 18.642471, 18.712446, 18.715885,
        18.677671, 18.625593, 18.631302, 18.669907, 18.707012, 18.857832,
        18.839558, 18.86638 , 18.834661, 18.829254, 18.856771, 18.861313,
        18.846321, 18.858253, 18.819777, 18.835802, 18.847778, 18.821941,
        18.866451, 18.854805, 18.887213, 18.888792, 18.89962 , 18.913237,
        18.886803, 18.959562, 18.899456, 18.920807, 18.937399, 18.902845,
        18.905334, 18.906374, 18.87291 , 18.94068 , 18.890202],
 array([51818.43, 52171.42, 52173.4 , 52224.38, 52234.33, 52283.16,
        52287.18, 52557.47, 52585.37, 52908.45, 52912.42, 52934.38,
        52936.37, 53270.44, 53272.49, 53286.46, 53288.41, 53294.46,
        53296.41, 53298.46, 53312.37, 53314.37, 53616.47, 53657.44,
        53675.38, 53680.39, 53686.39, 53699.41, 53989.47, 54008.46,
        54009.42, 54011.48, 54025.48, 54029.49, 54031.4 , 54036.4 ,
        54039.4 , 54041.37, 54048.42, 54052.4 , 54058.4 , 54060.42,
        54065.4 , 54365.47, 54381.49, 54386.48, 54392.48, 54393.49,
        54396.35, 54403.4 , 54404.46, 54406.39, 54409.4 , 54412.42,
        54416.39, 54421.4 , 54423.37, 54433.4 ]),
 array([18.532455, 18.413788, 18.492144, 18.384977, 18.39705 , 18.365591,
        18.416399, 18.44976 , 18.381535, 18.4777  , 18.405382, 18.376106,
        18.459177, 18.387926, 18.42326 , 18.460321, 18.359886, 18.458498,
        18.391264, 18.349352, 18.355343, 18.313208, 18.453217, 18.363897,
        18.342276, 18.337543, 18.306156, 18.479729, 18.480738, 18.448893,
        18.487144, 18.43134 , 18.416773, 18.557781, 18.436623, 18.471283,
        18.505116, 18.482761, 18.548965, 18.562773, 18.532354, 18.487179,
        18.559294, 18.510853, 18.576326, 18.538883, 18.51235 , 18.605324,
        18.49462 , 18.552446, 18.461958, 18.53137 , 18.572111, 18.537954,
        18.521812, 18.542027, 18.555769, 18.512682], dtype=float32),
from QhX.calculation import periods, signif_johnson

import numpy as np
from QhX.light_curve import get_lctiktok, get_lc22
from QhX.calculation import *
# Ensure to import or define other necessary functions like hybrid2d, periods, same_periods, etc.
from QhX.algorithms.wavelets.wwtz import *

# Retrieve light curves as separate arrays, using the get_lc22 function with include_errors parameter
tt0, yy0,tt1, yy1, tt2, yy2, tt3, yy3, sampling0, sampling1, sampling2, sampling3 = get_lc22(data_manager, '1384142', include_errors=True)

Text(0.5, 0, 'mjd')

Simple version of paralelization of objects processing. Calculation of wavelet matrices for each light curve is paralelized in the libwwz library

from QhX.processing_utils  import parallel_pool
#Note: parallel_pool supports two modes—fixed and dynamical. The default mode is fixed.
#Please refer to the module documentation for further details.
# Example set IDs and parameters for the processing function
setids = ['1385092', '1385097', '1385098']
#    data_manager = DataManager()  # Presumed to be a previously defined DataManager instance

    # Parameters for the processing function
ntau = 80
ngrid = 80
provided_minfq = 200
provided_maxfq = 10
include_errors = False

    # Execute the parallel processing function and print the results
results = parallel_pool(setids, data_manager, ntau, ngrid, provided_minfq, provided_maxfq, include_errors, num_threads=3)

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

adjusted time_divisions to:  63
Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.2
largest tau window is  42.177
*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.5
largest tau window is  33.101
3.27 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

adjusted time_divisions to:  65
Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.201
largest tau window is  40.859
5.79 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

6.25 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.519
largest tau window is  33.101
2.8 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

adjusted time_divisions to:  65
Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.2
largest tau window is  40.702
*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.503
largest tau window is  33.101
2.82 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

adjusted time_divisions to:  65
Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.2
largest tau window is  40.859
4.35 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.521
largest tau window is  33.101
3.26 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

4.0 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

8.25 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.5
largest tau window is  33.101
*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.5
largest tau window is  33.101
4.05 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

4.01 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.498
largest tau window is  33.101
*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
4.01 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

4.06 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.98 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.94 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.95 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.94 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.94 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.04 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.99 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.98 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.96 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.02 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.01 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.99 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.31 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.18 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.29 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.38 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.17 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.09 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.09 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.24 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.42 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.38 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.32 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.32 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.17 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.13 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.12 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.03 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.04 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.04 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.97 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.04 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.03 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.03 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.99 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.07 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.03 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.05 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.02 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.04 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.98 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.0 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.96 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.95 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.95 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.03 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.06 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.02 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.95 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

# If this script is executed directly (rather than imported as a module), run a test
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Example set IDs and parameters for the processing function
    setids = ['1385092', '1385097']
#    data_manager = DataManager()  # Presumed to be a previously defined DataManager instance

    # Parameters for the processing function
    ntau = 80
    ngrid = 80
    provided_minfq = 200
    provided_maxfq = 10
    include_errors = False

    # Execute the parallel processing function and print the results
    results = parallel_pool(setids, data_manager, ntau, ngrid, provided_minfq, provided_maxfq, include_errors, num_threads=2)
    for result in results:

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***
*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.5
largest tau window is  33.101
4.1 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.503
largest tau window is  33.101
4.28 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.519
largest tau window is  33.101
4.174.04 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.5
largest tau window is  33.101
*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.521
largest tau window is  33.101
4.0 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

4.06 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.498
largest tau window is  33.101
*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.5
largest tau window is  33.101
4.3 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

4.34 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.1 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.08 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.0 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.02 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.99 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.0 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.02 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.13 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.0 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.02 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.04 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.02 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.11 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.23 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.2 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.19 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.19 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.18 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.18 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.24 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.12 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.32 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.23 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.22 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.29 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.1 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.13 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.21 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.11 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.05 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.13 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.11 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.09 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.07 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.16 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.41 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.12 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.07 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.07 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.07 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.05 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
1.98 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.02 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.12 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.23 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.21 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.08 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.14 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.19 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

*** Starting Weighted Wavelet Z-transform ***

Pseudo sample frequency (median) is  0.515
largest tau window is  33.101
2.23 seconds has passed to complete Weighted Wavelet Z-transform

[{'objectid': '1385092', 'sampling_i': 20.115076923076916, 'sampling_j': 20.271085271317837, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-1'}, {'objectid': '1385092', 'sampling_i': 20.115076923076916, 'sampling_j': 19.961603053435123, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-2'}, {'objectid': '1385092', 'sampling_i': 20.115076923076916, 'sampling_j': 21.25983739837398, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-3'}, {'objectid': '1385092', 'sampling_i': 20.271085271317837, 'sampling_j': 19.961603053435123, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '1-2'}, {'objectid': '1385092', 'sampling_i': 20.271085271317837, 'sampling_j': 21.25983739837398, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '1-3'}, {'objectid': '1385092', 'sampling_i': 19.961603053435123, 'sampling_j': 21.25983739837398, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '2-3'}]
[{'objectid': '1385097', 'sampling_i': 20.429374999999993, 'sampling_j': 20.115153846153856, 'period': 161.61616161616163, 'upper_error': -1, 'lower_error': -1, 'significance': 1.0, 'label': '0-1'}, {'objectid': '1385097', 'sampling_i': 20.429374999999993, 'sampling_j': 21.259918699187, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-2'}, {'objectid': '1385097', 'sampling_i': 20.429374999999993, 'sampling_j': 21.25983739837398, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-3'}, {'objectid': '1385097', 'sampling_i': 20.115153846153856, 'sampling_j': 21.259918699187, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '1-2'}, {'objectid': '1385097', 'sampling_i': 20.115153846153856, 'sampling_j': 21.25983739837398, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '1-3'}, {'objectid': '1385097', 'sampling_i': 21.259918699187, 'sampling_j': 21.25983739837398, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '2-3'}]
for result in results:

[{'objectid': '1385092', 'sampling_i': 20.115076923076916, 'sampling_j': 20.271085271317837, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-1'}, {'objectid': '1385092', 'sampling_i': 20.115076923076916, 'sampling_j': 19.961603053435123, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-2'}, {'objectid': '1385092', 'sampling_i': 20.115076923076916, 'sampling_j': 21.25983739837398, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-3'}, {'objectid': '1385092', 'sampling_i': 20.271085271317837, 'sampling_j': 19.961603053435123, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '1-2'}, {'objectid': '1385092', 'sampling_i': 20.271085271317837, 'sampling_j': 21.25983739837398, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '1-3'}, {'objectid': '1385092', 'sampling_i': 19.961603053435123, 'sampling_j': 21.25983739837398, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '2-3'}]
[{'objectid': '1385097', 'sampling_i': 20.429374999999993, 'sampling_j': 20.115153846153856, 'period': 161.61616161616163, 'upper_error': -1, 'lower_error': -1, 'significance': 1.0, 'label': '0-1'}, {'objectid': '1385097', 'sampling_i': 20.429374999999993, 'sampling_j': 21.259918699187, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-2'}, {'objectid': '1385097', 'sampling_i': 20.429374999999993, 'sampling_j': 21.25983739837398, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-3'}, {'objectid': '1385097', 'sampling_i': 20.115153846153856, 'sampling_j': 21.259918699187, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '1-2'}, {'objectid': '1385097', 'sampling_i': 20.115153846153856, 'sampling_j': 21.25983739837398, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '1-3'}, {'objectid': '1385097', 'sampling_i': 21.259918699187, 'sampling_j': 21.25983739837398, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '2-3'}]
[{'objectid': '1385098', 'sampling_i': 42.176774193548376, 'sampling_j': 40.85890625000002, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-1'}, {'objectid': '1385098', 'sampling_i': 42.176774193548376, 'sampling_j': 40.702343749999955, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-2'}, {'objectid': '1385098', 'sampling_i': 42.176774193548376, 'sampling_j': 40.858749999999986, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '0-3'}, {'objectid': '1385098', 'sampling_i': 40.85890625000002, 'sampling_j': 40.702343749999955, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '1-2'}, {'objectid': '1385098', 'sampling_i': 40.85890625000002, 'sampling_j': 40.858749999999986, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '1-3'}, {'objectid': '1385098', 'sampling_i': 40.702343749999955, 'sampling_j': 40.858749999999986, 'period': nan, 'upper_error': nan, 'lower_error': nan, 'significance': nan, 'label': '2-3'}]
[ ]:
pp=process1_new(data_manager, '1385097', ntau=80, ngrid=800, provided_minfq=2000, provided_maxfq=10, include_errors=False)
[ ]:
[ ]:
process12_results=[[{'objectid': '1384142',
  'sampling_i': 45.08568965517243,
  'sampling_j': 45.08568965517243,
  'period': 446.179587283882,
  'upper_error': 26.594480680527795,
  'lower_error': 22.513862402711993,
  'significance': 0.98,
  'label': '0-1'},
 {'objectid': '1384142',
  'sampling_i': 45.08568965517243,
  'sampling_j': 45.08568965517243,
  'period': 446.179587283882,
  'upper_error': 35.654914195946844,
  'lower_error': 17.127186682281263,
  'significance': 1.0,
  'label': '0-2'},
 {'objectid': '1384142',
  'sampling_i': 45.08568965517243,
  'sampling_j': 45.87666666666669,
  'period': 446.179587283882,
  'upper_error': 30.9002280462837,
  'lower_error': 20.398836831717233,
  'significance': 1.0,
  'label': '0-3'},
 {'objectid': '1384142',
  'sampling_i': 45.08568965517243,
  'sampling_j': 45.08568965517243,
  'period': 472.39444936522017,
  'upper_error': 26.594480680527795,
  'lower_error': 22.513862402711993,
  'significance': 1.0,
  'label': '1-2'},
 {'objectid': '1384142',
  'sampling_i': 45.08568965517243,
  'sampling_j': 45.87666666666669,
  'period': 472.39444936522017,
  'upper_error': 26.594480680527795,
  'lower_error': 22.513862402711993,
  'significance': 1.0,
  'label': '1-3'},
 {'objectid': '1384142',
  'sampling_i': 45.08568965517243,
  'sampling_j': 45.87666666666669,
  'period': 308.999613750483,
  'upper_error': 22.17397677238779,
  'lower_error': 3.746728576973794,
  'significance': 0.98,
  'label': '1-3'},
 {'objectid': '1384142',
  'sampling_i': 45.08568965517243,
  'sampling_j': 45.87666666666669,
  'period': 472.39444936522017,
  'upper_error': 30.9002280462837,
  'lower_error': 20.398836831717233,
  'significance': 0.94,
  'label': '2-3'}]]
from QhX.output import classify_periods, classify_period
#outt is a table containing: ‘ID’: object name, ‘m3’: ‘Common period (found in Band1 & Band2)’] ‘m4’: ‘Lower error bound’,
‘m5’: ‘Upper error bound’,
‘m6’: ‘Significance (based on Johnson et al)’,
‘m7_1’: ‘Band1’,#usaully 0=u, 1=g,2=r,3=z
‘m7_2’: ‘Band2’,
‘period_diff’:difference of detected periods ‘iou’: inetrsection over union metric
#Each individual period in above table is classified based on these statistical criterions:
if row[‘m6’] >= 0.99 and rel_error_lower <= 0.1 and rel_error_upper <= 0.1 and row[‘iou’] >= 0.99 and consistent_period: return ‘reliable’ elif 0.5 <= row[‘m6’] < 0.99 and 0.1 < rel_error_lower <= 0.3 and 0.1 < rel_error_upper <= 0.3 and 0.8 <= row[‘iou’] < 0.99 and consistent_period: return ‘medium reliable’ else: return ‘poor’
# Assuming output_df is the DataFrame returned by classify_periods function
outt['classification'] =outt.apply(classify_period, axis=1)
   objectid          m3   m4   m5   m6 m7_1 m7_2  period_diff  iou  \
0   1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-1  0-2          NaN  NaN
1   1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-1  0-3          NaN  NaN
2   1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-1  1-2          NaN  NaN
3   1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-1  1-3          NaN  NaN
4   1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-1  2-3          NaN  NaN
5   1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-2  0-3          NaN  NaN
6   1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-2  1-2          NaN  NaN
7   1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-2  1-3          NaN  NaN
8   1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-2  2-3          NaN  NaN
9   1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-3  1-2          NaN  NaN
10  1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-3  1-3          NaN  NaN
11  1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-3  2-3          NaN  NaN
12  1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  1-2  1-3          NaN  NaN
13  1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  1-2  2-3          NaN  NaN
14  1385092         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  1-3  2-3          NaN  NaN
15  1385097  161.616162 -1.0 -1.0  1.0  0-1  0-2          NaN  NaN
16  1385097  161.616162 -1.0 -1.0  1.0  0-1  0-3          NaN  NaN
17  1385097  161.616162 -1.0 -1.0  1.0  0-1  1-2          NaN  NaN
18  1385097  161.616162 -1.0 -1.0  1.0  0-1  1-3          NaN  NaN
19  1385097  161.616162 -1.0 -1.0  1.0  0-1  2-3          NaN  NaN
20  1385097         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-2  0-3          NaN  NaN
21  1385097         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-2  1-2          NaN  NaN
22  1385097         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-2  1-3          NaN  NaN
23  1385097         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-2  2-3          NaN  NaN
24  1385097         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-3  1-2          NaN  NaN
25  1385097         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-3  1-3          NaN  NaN
26  1385097         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-3  2-3          NaN  NaN
27  1385097         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  1-2  1-3          NaN  NaN
28  1385097         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  1-2  2-3          NaN  NaN
29  1385097         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  1-3  2-3          NaN  NaN
30  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-1  0-2          NaN  NaN
31  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-1  0-3          NaN  NaN
32  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-1  1-2          NaN  NaN
33  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-1  1-3          NaN  NaN
34  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-1  2-3          NaN  NaN
35  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-2  0-3          NaN  NaN
36  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-2  1-2          NaN  NaN
37  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-2  1-3          NaN  NaN
38  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-2  2-3          NaN  NaN
39  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-3  1-2          NaN  NaN
40  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-3  1-3          NaN  NaN
41  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  0-3  2-3          NaN  NaN
42  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  1-2  1-3          NaN  NaN
43  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  1-2  2-3          NaN  NaN
44  1385098         NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  1-3  2-3          NaN  NaN

0             NAN
1             NAN
2             NAN
3             NAN
4             NAN
5             NAN
6             NAN
7             NAN
8             NAN
9             NAN
10            NAN
11            NAN
12            NAN
13            NAN
14            NAN
15            NAN
16            NAN
17            NAN
18            NAN
19            NAN
20            NAN
21            NAN
22            NAN
23            NAN
24            NAN
25            NAN
26            NAN
27            NAN
28            NAN
29            NAN
30            NAN
31            NAN
32            NAN
33            NAN
34            NAN
35            NAN
36            NAN
37            NAN
38            NAN
39            NAN
40            NAN
41            NAN
42            NAN
43            NAN
44            NAN
[ ]:
import os, holoviews as hv
os.environ['HV_DOC_HTML'] = 'true'
from QhX.plots import interactive_plt
[ ]: