Dynamical Mode Module
This module provides functionality for dynamically managing and processing light curve data with various filters.
Classes and Functions
This module provides classes and functions for dynamically managing and analyzing light curve data, including loading, grouping, processing, and detecting periods across different bands using wavelet analysis.
DataManagerDynamical: A class to load, group, and preprocess light curve data, with support for optional column and filter mappings.
get_lc_dyn: Processes and returns light curves with options to handle different filters and include errors.
process1_new_dyn: Analyzes light curve data from a single object to detect common periods across various bands.
QhX.light_curve: Provides light curve processing functions (e.g., outliers_mad, outliers).
QhX.calculation and QhX.detection: Modules for light curve calculations and period detection.
QhX.algorithms.wavelets.wwtz: Performs wavelet analysis on time-series data.
- class QhX.dynamical_mode.DataManagerDynamical(column_mapping=None, group_by_key='objectId', filter_mapping=None)[source]
- group_data()[source]
Group data by object ID or another specified key.
- load_data(path_source: str) DataFrame [source]
Load data from a file or a URL, apply any necessary column mappings and filter transformations.
- QhX.dynamical_mode.get_lc_dyn(data_manager, set1, include_errors=False)[source]
Process and return light curves with an option to include magnitude errors (psMagErr) for a given set ID. This function dynamically handles different numbers of filters based on the dataset.
- QhX.dynamical_mode.process1_new_dyn(data_manager, set1, ntau=None, ngrid=None, provided_minfq=None, provided_maxfq=None, include_errors=False, parallel=False)[source]
Processes and analyzes light curve data from a single object to detect common periods across different bands. Supports datasets with different numbers of filters (e.g., 3 for Gaia, 5 for AGN DC).
- class QhX.dynamical_mode.DataManagerDynamical(column_mapping=None, group_by_key='objectId', filter_mapping=None)[source]
- group_data()[source]
Group data by object ID or another specified key.
- load_data(path_source: str) DataFrame [source]
Load data from a file or a URL, apply any necessary column mappings and filter transformations.
- QhX.dynamical_mode.get_lc_dyn(data_manager, set1, include_errors=False)[source]
Process and return light curves with an option to include magnitude errors (psMagErr) for a given set ID. This function dynamically handles different numbers of filters based on the dataset.
- QhX.dynamical_mode.process1_new_dyn(data_manager, set1, ntau=None, ngrid=None, provided_minfq=None, provided_maxfq=None, include_errors=False, parallel=False)[source]
Processes and analyzes light curve data from a single object to detect common periods across different bands. Supports datasets with different numbers of filters (e.g., 3 for Gaia, 5 for AGN DC).
See also
For an example of using the DataManagerDynamical and process1_new_dyn functions with parallel processing, refer to the example in the Parallelization Solver module documentation.
Including Errors in Calculations
The include_errors parameter in the get_lc_dyn()
and process1_new_dyn()
functions allows for the inclusion of magnitude errors in the analysis. By setting include_errors=True, observational uncertainties are incorporated into the light curve data, enabling a more realistic assessment of data variability and enhancing the robustness of period detection across different filters.
get_lc_dyn Function:
times, fluxes, sampling_rates = get_lc_dyn(data_manager, set1, include_errors=True)
Setting include_errors=True adds Gaussian noise to the flux values based on the provided magnitude errors, simulating real-world observational data.
process1_new_dyn Function:
detected_periods = process1_new_dyn(data_manager, set1, include_errors=True)
Ensure that the dataset includes a column representing the magnitude errors for each observation. If this column is absent or contains missing values, the include_errors parameter will not have any effect.
Example Usage
This example demonstrates how to use the DataManagerDynamical class and the process1_new_dyn function to process light curve data dynamically.
import QhX
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from QhX import DataManagerDynamical, get_lc_dyn, process1_new_dyn
from QhX.output import classify_periods, classify_period
# Define the mappings for Gaia dataset
gaia_mapping = {
'column_mapping': {'mag': 'psMag', 'flux_error': 'psMagErr', 'time': 'mjd', 'band': 'filter'}, # Correct mappings
'group_by_key': 'source_id', # Group by 'source_id' for Gaia
'filter_mapping': {'BP': 0, 'G': 1, 'RP': 2} # Map Gaia filters to numeric values
# Initialize the DataManager with Gaia mappings
data_manager_gaia = DataManagerDynamical(
# Load the dataset from the data folder of the package
# Group the data by the specified key
# Process light curve data for a specific object ID
set_id = 382600737609553280 # Example object ID
process1_results = process1_new_dyn(
data_manager_gaia, set_id, ntau=80, ngrid=800, provided_minfq=2000, provided_maxfq=10, include_errors=False
# Classify the periods obtained from the results
output = classify_periods([process1_results])
output['classification'] = output.apply(classify_period, axis=1)
Ensure the file GaiaQSOcandsLCNobsGgt900.pqt is placed correctly in the data folder of the package and is accessible for loading.
LSST AGN Data Challenge Example
Start by importing the required components from the QhX package:
from QhX import DataManagerDynamical, get_lc_dyn, process1_new_dyn
Setup and Configuration
Define the column mappings and filter mappings for the AGN dataset. This configuration allows you to map specific columns and filters to your own naming conventions.
agn_dc_mapping = {
'column_mapping': {'flux': 'psMag', 'time': 'mjd', 'band': 'filter'}, # Map AGN DC columns
'group_by_key': 'objectId', # Group by objectId for AGN DC
'filter_mapping': {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3} # Map AGN DC filters
Initialize DataManager
Create an instance of DataManagerDynamical with the defined mappings. This instance will handle loading, grouping, and managing data dynamically.
data_manager_agn_dc = DataManagerDynamical(
Load the Data
Load data from a specified source, in this case, a Parquet file available on Zenodo.
This will output a message indicating successful data loading and display a sample of the loaded data:
INFO:root:Data loaded and processed successfully.
objectId mjd psMag psDiffFlux psDiffFluxErr filter
0 1377887 52959.13 23.269028 839.39703 1350.93301 1
1 1377887 54379.29 NaN -954.89032 1570.26164 1
48974244 0271385 53677.24 16.134792 -282308.87500 57260.80691 5
Group the Data
Group the data by the specified key (objectId in this case) for further analysis.
This outputs a message confirming the data has been grouped:
INFO:root:Data grouped by objectId successfully.
Process the Data
Finally, process the data using the process1_new and process1_new_dyn functions. The example below shows how to apply these functions to analyze data for a specific object ID.
# For AGN DC
process1_results = process1_new(data_manager_agn_dc, '1384142', ntau=80, ngrid=800, provided_minfq=2000, provided_maxfq=10, include_errors=False)
process1_results = process1_new_dyn(data_manager_agn_dc, '1384142', ntau=80, ngrid=800, provided_minfq=2000, provided_maxfq=10, include_errors=False)
process1_new_dyn function can be used either in fixed or dynamical mode.
Additional Notes
Ensure that the column_mapping and filter_mapping dictionaries are configured to match the structure of your dataset.
Adjust ntau, ngrid, provided_minfq, provided_maxfq, and include_errors as needed for your specific analysis.