- QhX.algorithms.wavelets.wwtz.compute_frequency_grid(Nn, minfq=None, maxfq=None)[source]
Computes the frequency grid for wavelet analysis given the periodis corresponding to minimum and maximum frequencies.
Nn (int): Number of grid points for the frequency axis.
minfq (float, optional): period correspoding to the Minimum frequency value. If None, a default value should be defined elsewhere.
maxfq (float, optional): period corresponding to the Maximum frequency value. If None, a default value should be defined elsewhere.
tuple: Contains the frequency step (df), minimum frequency (fmin), and maximum frequency (fmax) for the grid.
The function assumes the input periods are in days so that freqeuncies are in days ^-1 (1/days).
If minfq or maxfq is None, ensure default values are set or passed to this function.
The function returns frequencies in the same units as periods corresponding to the minfq and maxfq.
- QhX.algorithms.wavelets.wwtz.estimate_wavelet_periods(time_series, ngrid, known_period=None)[source]
Estimate minimum and maximum periods for wavelet analysis.
time_series (array): Array of time points in your data.
sampling_rate (float): The sampling rate of your data (data points per time unit).
known_period (float, optional): A known period in your data, if any.
tuple: (min_period, max_period) estimated periods for analysis.
- QhX.algorithms.wavelets.wwtz.hybrid2d(tt, mag, ntau, ngrid, minfq, maxfq, parallel=False, f=2, method='linear')[source]
Perform a hybrid 2D analysis involving WWZ (Weighted Wavelet Z-transform) and auto-correlation on light curve data.
This function computes the WWZ transformation of the input light curve data and then performs an auto-correlation analysis on the result. The frequency range for the analysis can be specified, as well as the decay constant and interpolation method for WWZ.
- tt: array_like
Array of time data for the light curve.
- mag: array_like
Array of magnitude values corresponding to the time data.
- ntau: int
Number of time divisions for the WWZ analysis.
- ngrid: int
Number of grid points (frequency resolution) for the WWZ analysis.
- minfq: float
Minimum frequency (or corresponding period) for WWZ analysis.
- maxfq: float
Maximum frequency (or corresponding period) for WWZ analysis.
- f: float, optional
Decay constant for the analyzing wavelet in WWZ, by default 2.
- method: str, optional
Interpolation method used in WWZ (‘linear’ or ‘octave’), by default ‘linear’.
A tuple containing:
WWZ matrix: The WWZ analysis result.
Auto-correlation matrix: The result of auto-correlation analysis.
Frequency range extent: The extent of the frequency range for plotting.
>>> tt = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] >>> mag = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14] >>> wwz_result, acorr_result, freq_extent = hybrid2d(tt, mag, 100, 50, 0.1, 1.0)
- QhX.algorithms.wavelets.wwtz.inp_param(ntau, ngrid, minfq, maxfq, parallel=False, f=2)[source]
Calculate the input parameters for WWZ (Weighted Wavelet Z-transform) analysis.
ntau (int): Number of time delays to use in the wavelet analysis.
ngrid (int): Number of grid points for frequency analysis.
minfq (float): period corresponding to the Minimum frequency for analysis.
maxfq (float): period corresponding to the Maximum frequency for analysis.
f (float): Frequency multiplier for calculating the decay constant. Default is 2.
ntau (int): Number of time delays.
frequency_parameters (list): List containing frequency parameters [freq_low, freq_high, freq_step, override].
decay_constant (float): Decay constant for the wavelet.
parallel (bool): Flag to enable parallel processing, will use all available cores.
The decay constant is calculated based on the frequency ‘f’ and is used to define the shape of the analyzing wavelet.
- QhX.algorithms.wavelets.wwtz.wwt1(tt, mag, ntau, ngrid, minfq, maxfq, parallel=False, f=2, method='linear')[source]
Calculate the Weighted Wavelet Z-transform (WWZ) of a given time series signal.
tt (list): List of time data points.
mag (list): List of magnitude values corresponding to time points in ‘tt’.
ntau (int): Number of time divisions for WWZ analysis.
ngrid (int): Grid size for frequency analysis in WWZ.
minfq (float): period corresponidng to the Minimum frequency for WWZ analysis.
maxfq (float): period corresponidng to the maximum frequency for WWZ analysis.
f (float): Frequency multiplier for calculating the decay constant in WWZ. Default is 2.
method (str): Method for frequency analysis, either ‘linear’ or ‘octave’. Default is ‘linear’.
WWZ matrix coefficients: The result of WWZ analysis as provided by the ‘libwwz’ library.
The ‘method’ parameter allows selection between linear and octave frequency scaling.